Ali Ditched for Good!!(1)

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Two Shots : Ali Ditched for Good!! (o1)

DT: Khushi1803
Dedicated to the tagged person for always reading whatever I post, voting and commenting.

Thank you for always supporting me, it means a lot to me


Sudden Fiction #o2

Word count: 784


"We are over Miss Juhi Metha, you get that!!"

"We are over!! Over, meaning I cannot have him! If I cannot have him then........ Wait that means he got someone else to be his better half!!"

Juhi Metha, the stepsister of Avni Ayesha, was sitting in her room since morning because of the humiliation she had faced and was yelling since then. She thought that being a gold digger and digging the son of the most successful and richest man was the easiest thing but now the joke's on her.

She was prepared for weeks but not for that moment. In one second, that spoiled heart-breaker crushed her dreams.

It was supposed to be the day when Juhi get that ring on her finger, not a rejection.


Juhi was still in her room sitting on her bed, bitting her long, fake nails when she remembered something or perhaps someone. Taking her phone in her hand, she smirked and finally typed a message, "Ali"

Yep, a name, not any name but the name of a person who will heal her according to her and is the best buddy of the person who she has been digging.

Surprisingly, Juhi waited for Ali's reply more than she has patients in herself. Not getting a reply after a while she typed again, "Neil texted me" knowing very well what effect it will have.

Within a second, her phone made a sound telling she had received a message. She smilingly opened and read, "Wait! I thought you guys are over"

Eye roll, which Juhi can simply do without any trouble and this time did it again and instead of texting, she decided to call Ali. On the very first ring, Ali picked up the call and before he could say a thing, Juhi said, "I know we are over but still he texted, you know he loves......." Ali cut her midway annoyingly, "So?"

Being the bitch Juhi is, she said in a bitchy tone, "So?..... Tell me should I text him back or like what?"

On the other side, when Ali got to know that his best friend, who always act smart turned out to be the biggest idiot of the world, he spilled out the big sip that he took of coffee.

Ali to himself thought, "he really can't ditch her and text her afterward, or can he?"

He was so lost in thinking what would have happened to his partner in crime for whom his buddy had ditched Juhi that he forget he was talking to a nightmare on the phone

"Hmmm, hello! Ali are you still alive or should I bring an ambulance over?"

Ali quickly composed himself and said, "Wait a while, I need a minute here please!"

Juhi mocked him or rather his style of talking to herself and said' "why do you need a minute? He texted me after breaking up not you. Hello Mister, I'm freaking out here!"

Ali was so irritated of Juhi and shocked on the nonsense she had said a while ago, right after he woke up from his most adorable nap that he almost yelled, " Juhi I said wait a while!! W.A.I.T A W.H.I.L.E! hmmm"

Juhi huffed like a child, "how much?"

Uninterestingly, unconsciously Ali said, "Until I smack the shit that flew away from him back in his brain that caused him to text you"

Juhi's mouth just dropped on his reply and seeing it anyone could predict that any second now it could fall on the ground.

"Doing that won't take long for me as I already did that and he got to know his feeling about her. So, probably you should wait for +50 million years, Maybe?  But do not call me ever again, okay! Goodbye Juhi Metha"

Before Juhi could say anything, Ali ended the call.

Juhi got frustrated and wanted to know who was the chural who took her charming opportunity to become a world's richest businessman's one and the only daughter-in-law away from her.

While Ali mocked his biggest enemy or perhaps the only, Juhi having his phone in front of him and also cursing his idiot buddy without knowing the real truth


Since many people liked my last part, I thought to write more in same style but this time having our adorable Ali who we didn't had that much in NK. I hope you all had liked it.

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