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Liked by Zayn, LiamPayne, louist91, and 444,345 others

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Liked by Zayn, LiamPayne, louist91, and 444,345 others

Niall: wtf? Liam, why didn't you tell me? Thanks @malik.lover for this pic. 😂 and Zayn, I called dibs!


Zayn: OMG 😂😂 don't worry Ni, you can have him. He's not my type.. 🤢

niallhoran: @Zayn he's not that bad!

LiamPayne: @niallhoran that bad? You mean I'm absolutely sexy? 😉 and that's mean Zayn!! 😭 @Zayn

niallhoran: @LiamPayne yeah, ig you could say that your sexy.. 🤷🏼‍♂️


KeshaPayne: @Malik.lover OMG OMG OMG!! THEY TOTALLY ARE! 💞

Malik.lover: @KeshaPayne EEEKKK

Louist91: @niallhoran um, Ni?! We need to talk.. I'm texting you..

(I messages between Niall and Louis)

Louie: Hey.. what's going on between you and Liam?

Niall: Wym?

Louie: Don't play stupid

Niall: I'm not. There isn't anything going on

Louie: Then why are you guys flirting?? You NEVER flirt with each other like that

Louie: Do NOT lie to me Niall James Horan!!

Louie: I will come over and beat the shit out of you if you do

Niall: I can't tell you yet

Louie: Why not?

Niall: Management and Liam don't want me to tell you guys yet. Zayn already knows, but that's only because he walked in on me and Liam kissing.

Niall: Fuck, I just told you 🤦🏼‍♂️


Niall: Yes, but u can't tell anyone

Louie added Lima bean to the conversation

Lima bean: Niall, why did you tell him?

Niall: I didn't mean to!! I swear!

Lima bean: Ugh, Niall, you know Louis is going to tell Harry.

Louie: I'm right here..

Louie: Have a little faith in me will ya?

Lima bean: Never gonna happen Lou

Niall: I'm gonna go take a shower.. BYE!!

Lima bean: But Nialler, we just started talking!!

Niall: Sorry, just got done working out.. need a shower.

Lima bean: Bye then..


Okay guys.. that's another chapter done.. tell me if you guys like it.. bye!

( 7-18-19))

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