/-Chapter 5-\

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--Izuku's POV (3rd)-- 😮😏

   Izuku ran back and forth in front of his throne, his emerald tail wagging back and forth and his wings lay tucked on his back. " Deku-kun, are you alright?" Ochako asked.

   Izuku looked over to his General and best friend. " Um.. yeah! J-just fine!" He stuttered as he scratched the nape of his neck. Ochako gave him a look that told him she was not buying it.

   The pink winged demon crossed her arms at her prince. " It certainly doesn't look like your okay." She said as she faced away from him with a pout.

   Sighing, Izuku fluttered his wings. " Okay, Okay, you got me. I'm just a little nervous..." he admitted. Ochako tilted her head, " Why would you, the Demon prince, the one sitting safely on the one hundredth floor, be nervous?" She asked.

   For a moment the two stared at each other. " The human on the eightieth floor?" Izuku questioned himself. His emerald gaze traveled to a window that overlooked the town and its busy streets. " Really? That's what your worried about? I mean, he might not even make it up hear, and your strong enough to completely blast him through the wall if you wanted too." His friend said in a matter-of-fact voice.

   The prince rolled his eyes since she sounded like her husband, Iida. " Whatever, oh, by the way, do you have any more info on adventurers?" Izuku asked. Ochako nodded. " Yep! As you know we have a male on the eightieth floor, a party of four, no, three on the fifty seventh floor, a party of two on the twenty second floor, a female on the eighteenth floor, and another party of three on the eleventh floor." Ochako said, counting each group on her fingers.

   Izuku began mumbling different outcomes, with ten humans in the tower and surely more to come it could be possible that some group will make it and... kill him.

   The door slamming open alerted the young demon as a blue haired male entered. " Ochako! We need to get back to our floor. The adventurer is almost their and we must both be present to protect our prince." Iida said with some hand motions as if to prove his point further.

   Ochako nodded with a serious expression. " Okay! I'm on my way, and Deku-kun, It's going to be all right. Have some faith in us!" She said with a playful wink before flying out of the room.

   Once more Izuku was left alone with his thoughts, he had plenty of time to himself since only the generals would visit him. It got boring on most days and he developed a mumbling habit as he spoke his thoughts aloud and responded to them.

Izuku walked to the throne and sat down, he pulled out an Orb of Mirrors and tapped on it a few times. The orb glowed as it switched on. Ten different colored dots appeared, lime, green, yellow, orange, pink, blue, purple, red, silver, and black.

Each color represented the floors as sections, 1-10 was lime, 11-20 was green, 21-30 was yellow and so on. Thinking for a moment Izuku tapped on the green dot, the numbers 11-20 appeared and he tapped on the 11.

The orb then showed floor eleven, A group of three males appeared, an ash blond with stunning crimson eyes, a red head with red eyes as well but not as beautiful, and a blonde with a black streak in his hair and golden eyes. The group was standing around fire pit and collecting their items.

   Izuku watched in interest as the ash blond said something to the red head, he seemed slightly angry as he walked over and lightly hit the red head over the head. Giggling Izuku smiled as the group began to wander to floor twelves gate.

   The orb flickered and then turned off, its magic used for the day, one of its flaws. Another flaw was the fact that he couldn't hear sound which could get frustrating.

  Carefully, Izuku put the orb away, sighing the boy spread his wings and flew to one of the beams above the throne room, he settled down and closed his eyes. He had to stay well rested in case the adventurer Ochako and Iida was going to fight made it to him.

Boom! Now we know what Deku is!

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