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Sana: I saw you with someone. You're cheating on me!

Tzuyu: Funny

Sana: You're not gonna say sorry?

Tzuyu: Nope. I love you so much. You know that, right?

Sana: Yeah hihihi. I'm just trying to check if you have other girlfriends. I've read something like that. They caught them cheating because they answered "I'm sorry"

Tzuyu: I know that, that's why I didn't say I'm sorry

Sana: What?

Tzuyu: Just kidding. I love you, babygirl.

Sana: Don't talk to me

Tzuyu: Okay

After 2 minutes

Sana: Tzuyu, why aren't you talking to me?

Tzuyu: Hahaha. Come here, babygirl. *hugs her*

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