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We were always like a time bomb ticking
And you're so Hollywood
You're always searching for the next best thing
~ Falling In Reverse, Fuck You And All Your Friends

Never did I think our summer would turn out like this, with Scarlett sitting on the couch with her arms folded in a hostile manner, arguing with her former bandmates about a song that was already recorded and on the album they were working on.

But here we are.

I stand awkwardly off to the side, not knowing how or what to do.

"Maybe the alcohol has finally killed off your last brain cells." I stand there in shock as Erik glares at her.

"Erik!" His aunt yells from beside me, "don't speak to Samantha like that."

I feel like I am in their childhood, seeing a glimpse of what it must have been like for these two growing up.

I know Erik said they had gotten along fairly well but with their last few interactions that I have witnessed, I can see there is a messy past between the two.

Their glares at each other prove it; they're filled with so many emotions.

"How the fuck did you get those lyrics?" Devon questions, trying to be the one keeping his cool and calculating their moves.

He was also the one to call their lawyer and Olivia about everything that had happened in the last three hours.

Along with what legal actions they can take.

"I am still a part of this band."

"No, you quit, you told us you needed a break." Kyle, who has been quiet since he saw her, "why do you insist on ruining our lives?"

He stands closest to the door with his arms crossed over his body and his hands shaking.

"I never meant to hurt you." Scar looks at Kyle, and a look of regret can be seen in her eyes.

But I don't think any of us are buying it.

"Bullshit Sam, you were only ever thinking about yourself." Kyle practically spits at her.

"I truly didn't want to hurt you, Kyle! I love you."

"No, you loved the way I made you feel. You never loved or cared about me just like the rest of the band and now that we are going places you want some of it. So, fuck you Sam. Have a good fucking life without me." Kyle rips open the door to the bus and storms down the stairs, allowing the door to slam behind him.

"I'll go after him." I start to follow after him, but turn at the last second, "you're a real bitch, sweetie."

As soon as I am out of the bus I start to look for him.

"He probably took off running, how the fuck am I going to find him now," I mumble to myself as I can hear yelling starting to begin from behind me.

I start to head towards the stages, thinking maybe he's there.

I know he's said in the past that being on stage and doing what he loves helps him clear his head.

Maybe I will get lucky and not end up searching the whole grounds looking for him.

I trudge through the park grounds looking for Kyle while mumbling about Scarlett and her oh so lovely timing.

I try to text Kyle again, hoping maybe he'll answer.

"Real fucking mature, running off like that," I mumble as I climb the steps of the only stage that I hadn't checked and which also happened to be the furthest away.

I stop once I spot him sitting on the edge of the stage, smoking a cigarette and singing softly to himself.

"Hey," I say softly as I take a seat beside him.

"Hey," he says back to me, keeping his eyes focused on the grounds rather than me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I question.

"Not really."

I nod my head as I study his profile, the way his jaw is set and all his muscles are visibly tensed.

His eyes are glossy with unshed tears and the package of cigarettes sits open beside us.

The same package he had bought earlier in the day is almost gone now.

"So they sent you out here to babysit me?"

"No, I came out to make sure my friend was okay. What she did to you wasn't right and I know every time you try to move on, she just keeps popping back into your life." I take his hand in mine and give it a friendly squeeze to show my support, "Kyle, it's okay to express your feelings, you've had two girls cheat on you within the year."

He doesn't say anything to me but rather nods his head.

"Why did Erik get you?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did Erik do to deserve you?"

It takes me a minute to realize what he is trying to ask, why did I choose Erik?

"He showed me how to be the person I wanted to be, not the person everyone else wanted me to be. He has always loved me for the real me and not the one I hid behind for so many years."

"Why not me? I could have shown you all of that."

"Kyle... I know you are upset, but you know that answer and you know why nothing ever started."

I know his emotions are running high and that his anger is at the forefront, making him question Erik's and I's relationship. Projecting his failures onto us.

"You've never cheated on him, why can't you be with me?"

I sit there in silence trying to think about how I am going to answer his question without upsetting him even further.

"Because I love and trust him, the same he does for me."

Kyle looks at me with tears streaming down his face.

"Why does no one love me?"

"I love you Kyle." I give him a side hug, trying to comfort him.

Kyle pulls back to look at me, studying my face almost to see if I am lying.

Kyle leans in and before I can realize what he is doing, his lips are on mine with such force it pushes me back slightly.

I push Kyle back and stand up, trying to put as much distance as possible between the two of us.

"What the fuck?" I practically yell at him.

"You said you loved me!"

"LIke a brother." I throw at him.

I can see the regret in his eyes as I take a few more steps away from him while he stands up.

"I'm sorry Avril!"

"We should go back," I say, not looking at him, not even checking to see if he's following or not.

As I walk down the steps all I can hear is one word full of raw emotion.


Edited by GirlReader133

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