Chapter 31

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By the time 5 o'clock rolled around I was ready to skin Simon's overprotective hide off him alive. I had chose to stay close to Fletcher and Gavin as much as possible since they respected my abilities more than the other two and helped me not want to kill anyone. Once everything was finished I said goodbye to Spartan for the time being and loaded Tyson and Ollie back in Gavin's car as we headed back to the boys packhouse. I could feel the excitement starting to spark under my skin in eagerness for tonight's adventure, but I pushed it back down for now. We ate a quick dinner of some takeout the others had ordered and then we got ready to head out. 

Asher had brought a dark grey Cheverlot Express van that he'd been working on in his shop, it was running well enough now and perfect for our mission tonight. I insisted on taking two vehicles though since I had an idea of what would be the best way to approach the rogue camp. We decided on taking Fletcher's silver 2008 Toyota Prius since he rarely drove it anywhere and it wasn't a suspicious vehicle to use for what we were doing. "So who is riding where?" Micah voiced as they all started spouting ideas at once, my whistle for their attention quieted them real quick though. 

"We know there are two parking areas and they may or may not have watchmen posted at them so we have to be ready for anything. We also don't want them to figure out you boys are all wolf with the stench you've got rolling off you so we need to get that taken care of now." I stated clearly. "And what do you have in mind?" Tucker asked uncertainly as I pulled out the spray and salve I'd chosen for this very moment. "These counteract the scent of your wolfness so to speak, they aren't exactly the most pleasant of things to put on but they work. The spray is for everyone staying in the van parked in the furthest parking lot, the salve is for the brave one who is willing to slather it on and be my partner in sneaky crime." I laid both out in front of me for emphasis.

 "What do you mean by the brave ONE?" Simon scolded out. "Meaning only one of you is going into the stronghold with me, it's the safest option. I'm fairly non threatening so I'm a good pick to go and if more than one of you guys went things would seem off, which could be trouble. Whoever wears the salve will ride with me in the Toyota up to the closest parking lot, the others stay in the van." I directed as Emmett twisted off the lid to the salve and nearly dropped it in surprise as his nose wrinkled at the stench. "Ugh, what's in that stuff it smells like s**t?!" Daniel coughed out as he and the others caught whiff of the concoction. 

"Well you're not entirely wrong it does have a tiny amount of manure mixed into it, the stink helps cover up the wolf stink." I shrugged. "No way in h*ll am I volunteering to wearing that!" Micah growled out as more than half of the guys quickly agreed, big babies. "You've actually worn this stuff before?" Jason voiced in disbelief. "In an emergency yes, usually the sprays work for covering up my scent though." I replied honestly. "Where would we have to wear it?" Gavin is holding the container of salve carefully as he looks to me in question.

 "Yeah well... you will also be using the spray to cover you almost head to toe but the salve..." I am a little reluctant to give the answer because it's not a pleasant one but it has to be done. "With the salve you have to apply it to the areas of your body that give off the most scent, so your armpits as well as the groin area." I hummed out as they all stared at me in disbelief for a brief moment of silence. "No way am I rubbing this on my junk CG, count me out." Gavin set the container down with a shake of his head. "Well I'm fine with going in on my own if none of you can handle the d*ck salve, it does wash off you know!?" I huffed at all of them. "Fine I'll bite the bullet, I can volunteer this time so we don't have to fight over it." Beck growled out as he snatched the salve container with a disgusted look at the contents inside. 

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