Grey skies

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The sky is grey and the clouds are hiding the sun. Large rain drops pelt against the windows overlooking the gardens as I lay in a chair overlooking the gardens and the pool.

Luca is away on business. He had to fly to Milan with his brothers which leaves me alone with Angel at home. Mr and Mrs Ricci have went on a small get away for there anniversary. Angel is currently studying in the library and me I lay here still feeling under the weather.

It's been a few weeks since I found out I was pregnant and it's my first appointment next week. I have been sick since that day and it is taking its toll on me. I look gauntly and my face is always pale where as I used to have a olive tanned complexion. I have lost weight and I hate it.

I sometimes wonder if it is worth it. If it is worth all of this psychical torture. But then I stop myself as I think of my child. A child I have grown and nurtured. I think about the happy times we will have and my love for them blossoms. My phone rings and I answer the call as I see it is Luca and he will worry if I don't.

"Hello Husband how are you?" I ask.

"Baby I need you to go to your parents house and stay there until I am home I will be back as soon as I can which will probably be tomorrow morning can you do that for me?" He says urgency evident in his voice.

I rise as worry consumes me. I walk upstairs phone still pressed to my ear. "Of course I will go Luca but I will be taking Angel with me?"

"Yes, of course, look after yourself and our Bambino Bella I'll see you tomorrow," He says with a soft voice.

"I'll see you tomorrow goodbye Luca" With that we hang up and I walk to the library. I enter and Angel looks at me. She must see the worried look I have on my face as she rises and tells her tutor she will call her to rearrange.

She walks towards me and I grab her hand waking to my room. I enter and shut the door grabbing my overnight bag. "Luca wants us to go to my parent's house until he is home tomorrow," I say.

She nods and exits my room. Once I'm finished I walk to the door and grab my coat. I then go to Angels room just as she exits. We walk downstairs and Marco opens the door for us.

We get in to the SUV as does Marco our body guard and one of the outfits most trusted men. We then drive to my parents as the rain drops hit the window. Lightning and thunder break the sky as a storm works it's a way through the world.

We pull up to my parents and they let us in. We then drive up the driveway and stop. We exit the car running inside just as the door opens and my father and mother are standing there. I walk right past my father and cuddle my mother. Me and Angel take of our coats and shake the rain of our selfs. I turn to see my father talking with Marco.

"We do not need you to stay I have enough bodyguards in this house to protect my own daughter" I now feel furious as I listen to the way my father talks to Marco.

Me and Marco have become very close as he has been my bodyguard since I married Luca and after everything my father has already done to anger me I will not allow him to do this also. "Father with all do respect I'd rather have Marco stay after all my husband has trusted him with my safety so far?" I say.

Anger takes over his features as he lets Marco through. Marco nods at me with a slight smirk and I smile in return. I then walk up the stairs and to my room as Angel follows.


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