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Y/n walked inside the throne and saw Albedo, Demiurge, Shalltear, Aura, Mare, Sebas and Ainz who is sitting on his throne.

Y/n: what are you guys talking about?

He asked them.

Demiurge: ah Lord Y/n.

Shalltear interrupts Demiurge before he could finish his words.

Shalltear: we're talking about how weak and inferior human beings are.

Stated Shalltear, Ainz face-palmed on hearing Shalltear words.

Y/n: heh...says the one who got mind controlled by these weak and inferior...human beings.

Stated Y/n with sarcasm in his voice which angered the latter.

Y/n: if they are inferior and weak then what are you Miss Vampire?

He asked Shalltear, who just listened to his words silently.

Y/n: you think humans are weak...

He snapped his fingers and a small holographic screen appears in front of Ainz and his Guardians which displays a picture of an ordinary-looking man with spiky, black hair.

Y/n: this man where can kill you guys with a single punch, heck even if every guild in YGGDRASIL team up against "chuckles" this monster...they can't even put a single scratch on him.

Stated Y/n with a chuckle.


Boros steps out of his shadow and kneeled in front of him.

Boros: My Lord!

Albedo and other guardians who are present inside the Throne room gulped on seeing the overbearing Aura Boros is releasing.

Y/n: what are your chances against him?

He asked Shalltear who paled on hearing his words.

Y/n: what about you guys? Do you think you can defeat him?

He asked Albedo and other guardians who shake their heads with a pale face, only his aura is enough to scare the shit out of them.

Ainz who is sitting on his throne is sweating profusely.

Y/n: this is Boros formerly Known as the Dominator of the Universe.

Stated Y/n and turned his attention to Boros and slightly nodded his head. Boros rose up from the ground.

Boros: I was once a traveller, exploring the universe, ravaging everything in sight. But I was too strong; eventually, I found there were none left that could face me. I came to know the torment of utter, all-encompassing boredom. Then one day, a great seer told me somewhere on a faraway planet, a being exists who is my match; one who could rekindle my passion for battle. That was nearly 20 years ago, my men thought the prophecy was a ruse, a fairy tale meant to focus my attention and lure me away, but they were wrong. His name is Saitama "hahahahahaha" I never stood a chance. It wasn't even a battle. So much for prophecies. Saitama was strong...too strong.

Stated Boros, Ainz and his Guardians gulped in fear of hearing his words.

Ainz: how s-strong is he?

Ainz asked Y/n shakingly.

Y/n: if he goes all out hmm...a punch is enough to destroy a planet.

Ainz: w-what!!! 

He exclaimed loudly in shock and in disbelief.

Albedo: w-what about you Lord Y/n...can you defeat him?

Albedo asked Y/n who chuckles on hearing his words.

Y/n: I can.

Y/n said with a smile on his face and then turned his head at Shalltear.

Y/n: human beings are strong because they have the ability to change themselves, Miss Vampire...if you still think they are weak and inferior...how about a 1V1 between you and.

Garou came out of his shadow with a bloodthirsty grin on his face.

Y/n: Garou, a human being.

Stated Y/n with sarcasm in his voice.

Shalltear: N-NO NEED...

She stated and cowered in fear as she and her fellow guardians could sense the overbearing Aura Garou is releasing.

Y/n: sometimes the predator becomes the prey, the hunter becomes the hunted, the weak become the strong...every weak person, can change into the strongest monster.

Stated Y/n before walking out of the throne room with Garou and Boros.

Albedo: y-y-y-you bonehead! Think twice before opening your damn mouth...in front of Lord Y/n.

Albedo yelled at Shalltear.

Ainz: "sigh" Albedo is indeed right, Shalltear.

Ainz started with a sigh and continues.

Ainz: now on to the main topic...I finally managed to obtain a map of this world in E-Rantel.

Ainz stated a shows them the map of E-Lantier and asked Albedo to distribute copies of this map to all her fellow guardians.

Ainz: what is the state of the plan to strengthen Nazarick? I have yet to hear from Cocytus about that matter.

He asked Albedo.

Albedo: we should soon be sending that forewarning to the Lizardmen. 

Albedo informs Ainz.

Ainz: I see.


[so he is planning to attack Lizardmen huh...this will be interesting ] thought Y/n

Y/n: Garou and Boros...I have a job for you guys...go to Elf Country and wait for my orders.

Boros: As you wish my Lord.

Garou: so what are you planning, Master?

Garou asked his master with a smirk on his face.

Y/n: it's time to add some people in our little army.

Stated Y/n.

Garou: heh..little army, are you sure about that Master?

Y/n chuckles on hearing his words.

Y/n: kill those who dare to oppose us! Anything that stands your way will be completely obliterated...AM I CLEAR!

Garou/ Boros: YES MY LORD!!

They said unison and vanished without a trace.




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