》ch. 26

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You were trying to use your Haki to find two things. Your sword and the rest of your crewmates. You had fund your sword easily, it was resting on the hip of one of the fishmen.  However, you were constantly drawing to a blank when it came to your friends. They were either too far away or your mind was getting weaker with the special chains wrapping around your torso. 

Meanwhile, Zoro and Usopp put their faith in Brook's ghastly form to find Pappagu who was their only hope out of the cage.  And in the Sea Forest, far away from the castle, Luffy and Jimbei were fighting against each other. 

"We have to go there, Y/n is there and she could be hurt, or bleeding out! I swear to you, I'm going there to save her and my crew. Nothing you can do can stop me!" Luffy yelled out, frustrated and angry at Jimbei, who was still putting up an impressive fight. 

His rubber arm was reeled backward as he charged towards the fishman, who was ready to land a hit on Luffy as well. But their expressions were put into shock when Robin suddenly walked in front of them. 

"Please, stop fighting, you two." 

Sanji had tried to save her, but just when his arms were about to wrap around her, she had disappeared and what was left was a pile of flower petals. Sanji was left with two bruises on both his cheeks and Luffy and Jimbei were both hit by their opponent's punch. 

"Do you even know why I am stopping you, Luffy-kun?" Jimbei asked, his stare not softening as he stared at your captain. "It is because if you, a human, go after and attack Hody, a fishman, all hell will break lose. Arlong had many fishmen followers who believed that people hunted him only because he was a fishmen. So when you defeated him, it seemed as if their beliefs were proven to be true. If you come here and beat down Hody, it will only make the fishmen population hate and target humans more." 

The speech was met with a few seconds of silents. That is until, Sanji, who sat up first, lit his cigarette and stared into the space of the forest.

"Jimbei," he started, "do you not have a clue as to why Luffy wants to go against this Hody guy?" He let out a puff of smoke, letting his question hang in the air for a few moments.

"It's because one, he has our crew. Second of all, if no one does anything about it, Hody will continue to rule fishmen island. And lastly," Sanji stood up and let out a puff of smoke, "I heard that you helped our captain and Y/n-chan when they really needed it. This is not only my way of saying thank you for that but our captain's and our crew's. This is your homeland and we should protect it as a thank you for all that you've done."  

Jimbei and Luffy both stood up, still staring each other down as Sanji continued on his speech. "Not only is this a mermaid country! But I can only imagine the thanks I will get from my lovely Y/n-chwan!~ When I go into that palace and save her~ Perhaps a thank-you hug, a kiss! Who knows!~" 

He twirled around everyone in his signature tornado and spaghetti leg movement. Nami could only reply with a sigh. 

You were roughly grabbed from your biceps to get up and start moving. They had covered your eyes and mouth, so you were being guided by someone you could assume as Hody's henchmen. 

You were then pushed to sit on one of their sea monsters who would then take you to Conchcorde Plaza. But you didn't know that yet, you only became aware of your surroundings when they yanked your blindfold off. You quickly checked to see if you were alone, which you were hoping for, but you weren't. Sharla, Carla, Holum, and Al were sitting in a horizontal line, you sitting right in the middle.  

You would've cursed right in front of Hody right then and there if it wasn't for the metal bar strapped across your mouth. NOt far away from you, you could see the King tied to two pieces of wood which formed an x. 

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