chapt. 6 monomas actual sick day

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//sksksksksksksksksk- hello my friends I'm bored and an insomniac so here ya go--//

Shinsou sighed, staring at the time on his phone. ' 2:35 sleep again. I wonder when Monoma gets up for his little solo performance thingy.....  I wonder if he even does that anymore.' Shinsou grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes, and getting up to go to the small living area in the dorms to find something to watch.

As he flipped through channels, turning the TV on its lowest volume setting, and sitting on the floor in front of the TV to hear it as he didn't want to wake anyone up.

Shinsou finally found something he wanted to watch, when suddenly, he heard a 'ding!' From the elevator, and some muffled shuffling. He ducked behind the small coffee table, and furrowed his brow, wondering who the hell is up at this time.


Besides him, obviously.

Shinsou raised his eyebrow when he saw a grumpy looking, red eyed, shiny cheeked Monoma, wrapped in a long, light blue blanket. He was completely silent, staring ahead of him as he walked to the kitchen.

'Was he...crying?..'

Shinsou became very concerned. He has never seen Monoma cry, so what triggered it now?? He was about to find out.

Shinsou slowly crept up to the kitchen, careful not to make a sound. He watched from the doorway, as Monoma muttered under his breath, as he, rather aggressively, yanked a cup out of the cupboards and slammed some ice into it, flipping the tap on, and gulping down some water. He reached the last drop, before filling the cup again and repeating the process a few times.

"Hey slow down, your gonna drown if you keep that up," Shinsou mocked.

Monoma scoffed, wiping the water off his lip. He glanced at shinsou, and glared.

"Leave me alone, you purple haired stalker."

"Ouch." Said Shinsou, sarcastically.

"For the second time," Monoma coughed,"Leave me alone! Why do I keep running into you anyways? God, Its like you're everywhere."

Monoma rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, before his eyes widened, and face became a pale shade of green. He put a hand over his mouth, racing off to the bathroom, and throwing up the cups of water he just drank.

Shinsou followed not far behind, crouching down, and rubbing small circles in between the blue eyed boy's shoulder blades. Monoma groaned, coughing into the toilet. He held onto the toilet seat so tightly, his knuckles turned white.

Shinsou sighed, setting the back of his hand on Monoma's sweaty forehead, only to pull it back as he sucked in air between his teeth.

"Yeah...your pretty sick."

"You think I don't know that, Captain obvio--"

Monoma was cut off by bile racing up his throat and into the toilet. Shinsou rolled his eyes and huffed as he walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a wash cloth and soaking it in cold water. He walked back to the bathroom to see the sick blond whimpering over the toilet bowl, both arms curled around his stomach.

Shinsou stayed silent, kneeling down and turning Monoma's face towards him, keeping two fingers on his jawline as he gently wiped away the sweat and tears on the blondes face with the cold rag. Monoma closed his eyes, leaning into the cold touch of the rag.

"You should probably stay downstairs, don't wanna waste your energy walking back to the elevator when the couch is closer,"Shinsou stated, in a slightly less monotone voice.

Monoma nodded slightly, looking up at Shinsou with tired, irritated eyes. Shinsou helped Monoma up, before gently leading him to the couch, situating him on the cushions with a thinner, cream colored blanket and an ice pack on his forehead.

Monoma reached a hand to Shinsou, grabbing his sleeve and staring for a second before giving the lavender haired boy a shaky smile and a whispered 'thank you.' Shinsou felt his face heat up as he smiled gently at the ill blondie and brushed the light colored hair off the males forehead.

Shinsou exhaled as he walked back to where he was seated in front of the TV, but he found his eyes traveling over to the blonde boy sleeping on the sofa, rather than to the large screen he was sat infront of. Soon, he looked at the time, and realized he had to start getting ready. He rode the elevator up to his floor, deciding that he would let Monoma rest for today, and talk to the teacher about the state of health the blondes in when he arrives.

//dawwwwwwwww Shinsou bein a good future husband like-//


        - pivvy~~~~~~~~~~

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