Chapter Ten

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Bryan's lips trail from her lips, to her chin down to her neck. Charlottes lips part, the soft sound of her whimpers filling the room. "You sound so precious Charlotte." He whispers as he grinds gently into her.

He moves, carrying Charlotte to the bed. Gently he lays her down on the bed, taking a moment to admire her. The way her hair gently lays around her, the blush on her cheeks, her small belly that's exposed by how his shirt that she's wearing has came up. Bryan felt the need to take her. Climbing over her, looking down at Charlotte as if she's a meal. 

Charlotte stares back up at him, her eyes showing her want for him, she her need for him. Charlottes hands play with the hem of his shirt. She pulls it off playfully, tossing it on the floor, admiring his body. He's got hair trailing from his belly button down into his pants.

Bryan stands up, undoing his belt as he looks down at charlottes waiting body. "Let me show you how good I can make you feel."

Blush floods her cheeks, unsure if she's ready for this. "W-wait..." She whispers.

Bryan's hands stop, his belt partially undone. "What's wrong? Are you not ready?" He asks, gently sitting next to her taking her hand in his.

"I-I don't know... I don't want to rush things... now we don't have to since we're going home." She says, strong his hand with her thumb.

He pulls her into his chest, holding her close. "We don't have to do anything." Bryan whispers, laying down with her on his chest. "Sleep tight princess." He whispers kissing her forehead before covering them.

"Goodnight." Charlotte whispers before falling asleep.

-flash back/night terror.-
"Wake up Charlotte, you have only a week to get ready for the pageant!" Her mother yells, pounding on the door.

Sliding out of bed, Charlotte ruffles her messy hair, aware of what is to come in the week ahead of her. Work outs,appetite suppressors, and laxatives. Opening the door, she gives her mother a smile before heading to the kitchen. There she is greeted with a appetite suppressor pill, as well as a tall glass of juice, she knows has a large amount of laxative in it. Charlotte takes the pill before chugging the glass.

"Come on, down to the gym, we're behind schedule because you over slept." Patricia says tapping her foot.

Charlotte nods before racing down the steps, immediately getting on the treadmill. Starting off with a slow walk before going into a full sprint under the watch of her mother. After an hour of sprinting Charlotte sits on the floor gasping for air as she puffs her inhaler trying to catch her breath, sweat pouring down her face.

"Up! I need to measure you." Patricia growls, holding the measuring tape in her hands.

Charlotte stumbles standing up, her body trembling with weakness. She wraps the tape around charlottes breast's, waist, and hips before shaking her head. "You've been snacking haven't you!?" Patricia says, gathering the tape in her hands before starting to whip Charlotte aggressively with it. "You fat, ugly, liar!! No! More! Snacks!!"

Charlotte covets her face. "No momma! I haven't snacked!" She screams as she cries.
-end of night terror/flash back.-

Bryan looks down, watching Charlotte whimper in her sleep. He pulls her close , kissing her forehead. "Char it's ok hunny, I've got you."

Charlotte jolts awake, screaming, scurrying backwards away from Bryan. "Please don't take me back to Georgia! I want to go back to California with you.... I-I can't go back." She stutters.

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