chapter 6(Useless Missions, Unexpected Inhabitants, and an Offer)

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To say Tony was annoyed was to put it lightly. First all this business with catching Spiderman, and now this? He could remember Fury's words clearly.

"Since you can't seem to catch one simple vigilante then why don't you go check out who's been using electricity in warehouse 67."

But it was Cap who didn't catch him, so why did Tony have to go? It wasn't fair. But here he was, bored out of his mind in front of this dirty warehouse. It was probably just some homeless people who had figured how to tap into the city's grid to use a heater or something. He dropped to the ground still in his suit and entered the building. The first floor was empty and he was tempted to leave and tell Fury that there was nothing going on here but thought better of it. If Fury found out, and he would, that Tony had not thoroughly investigated he would be sent back. So reluctantly he began to climb the steps and that's when something interesting started to happen.

It started small as he began to climb the steps he heard a small ping. Looking down he found a small dart its tip broken from hitting his suit. "JARVIS what's in this dart?"

There was the sound of static before JARVIS responded but the voice was garbled. "It looks like a mild sedative, sir." Tony frowned.

"JARVIS what's wrong?"

More static and this time JARVIS's voice barely came through. "There appears to be some interference."

Tony frowned and inspected the walls. There, he could see them now. A series of little holes placed along the wall that would shoot darts when someone stood on the steps. And something in the building was also disrupting JARVIS's signal which meant he wouldn't be very useful in finding whoever was in the building.

This meant that there was definitely something going on upstairs and not just some homeless people looking for a place to stay. He trudged on ignoring the series of pings and at one point the whoosh of a colorless gas that JARVIS informed him, though his voice was still full of static, was also a sedative. With all these traps Tony was sure that there must have been some silent alarm by now and so readied his suit for a fight.

When he made it to the top of the stairs there was a corridor leading in two directions. One side was blocked completely by rubble so he went the other way. This corridor had traps as well and Tony started to get even more annoyed. First this mission and now these traps? Who would be desperate enough to lay traps in a dirty old warehouse? At one point Tony even had to activate the gauntlets on his feet to keep from falling down a trap door.

"Finally" he grumbled entering the last room his hand raised in case of attack. The room was empty. Empty except for a message painted on the wall.


Tony cursed. He had he come all this way and put up with these traps just for the amusement of some prankster? Or was it Fury? He could imagine the man laughing at him from some hidden camera. Tony grumbled angrily to himself and thought of a bunch of choice words he would like to say to Fury. None of which he would use of course, because Fury was scary and an angry Fury was not something Tony wanted to deal with. He was halfway down the steps when he remembered that there was a window that led to the other corridor. He didn't remember seeing a ladder. But maybe there was something there. He quickly left the building circling around to where the window was wondering why in the world he was still investigating a useless case. There where a bunch of boxes and an old dumpster leaning against the side of the building. It would be difficult but not impossible to use them to get to the window.

Tony flew up to the window squeezing himself through the small hole. After plenty of struggling and wondering why he had not just blown the wall up he found himself in an empty room. He about turned away in disgust with himself for thinking that there was actually something to this useless mission when he noticed that the dust around the edges of the room was smeared. As if someone had been walking around just the edges of the room to avoid making marks through the middle. He walked towards the door but as he put his hand on the door nob a burst of electricity was sent through him. The suit absorbed it for the most part but now the lights inside the helmet were jittery as JARVIS tried to deal with the overload on the circuits. Tony had to wait a full minute before everything was in order again. This time he blasted down the door. Who cares about stealth?

Tony groaned seeing yet another hallway. At least this time it only had two doors. He picked one at random and finally luck was on his side. The room was full of stuff. A bed in the corner with a suitcase next to it. A desk in the other corner, a mess off papers on top with several piles of books around it. The rest of the space was full of tech in various stages of completion. Some on the floor and others on tables that had been placed around the room. Through an open doorway he could see what appeared to be a bathroom. If it worked or not Tony couldn't tell. And that's when Tony hears it. A whining sound coming from behind him. A sound Tony knows very well. The sound of something getting ready to fire.

"Put your hands up." came a voice behind Tony.

"What are you the police?" Tony said but didn't dare move, not knowing what kind of weapon his attacker had.

"No, but someone who has a weapon that can easily disable your suit."

Grudgingly Tony turned around with his hands up. With JARVIS malfunctioning he didn't want to risk it. In front of him was a kid. A kid with brown hair holding a small gun with a glowing barrel pointed at Tony's chest. Some of Tony's apprehension drained. It's just a kid "Put the gun down kid you don't know what your dealing with."

The kid raised an eyebrow not moving. "I think I know perfectly well what I'm dealing with. Iron Man is trying to find out what someone is doing here and I am telling him to scram before I shoot."

"I can just come back"

"I don't think so because if you do you won't like the results."

Tony laughed "Are you trying to threaten me? Kid I'm Iron Man, billionaire, genius inventor."

"And yet you didn't notice that your suit was being hacked."

"Wha.."But that's all Tony could get out before his suit shut down and folded itself into its case leaving Tony vulnerable. That must have been why JARVIS was on the fritz. But why hadn't the suit's systems stopped it? Tony frowned trying to figure out what went wrong. A small bot scurried forward, taking the case and scurrying away again. Even though Tony had a gun hidden in the waist band of his jeans and his watch turned into a miny gauntlet the kid in front of him would shoot at the first sign of movement. "What are you even doing here?"

"What does it look like? I live here."

"But why?"

He rolled his eyes, "Because" he said in a tone of voice that made it seem like hes was talking to a toddler, "We can't all be billionaires. Now please leave."

"I could give you an internship" Tony had absolutely no idea where those words came from. It certainly hadn't occurred to him at any point in the conversation but the kid's raised eyebrow made him continue. "You're obviously good with tech." Tony said gesturing to the gadgets laying around the room. "And I could provide you with an apartment. On one condition."

"What is that?" the kid said sarcastically but Tony could hear the interest in the kid's voice.

"You give me back my suit." Tony said smirking. The kid lowered the gun.


Hope it was okay

votes and constructive criticism are appreciated

till next time

sayonara peoples!

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