8: Weakened

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  "Bullshit, I saw the fear and hate in your eyes." Kaneki argued with a raised, hoarse voice. He still had a hold of your arm from before, but his grip tightened as he spoke.
  "Jesus, would you stop treating me like a fucking doll?" You shouted, yanking your arm away.
  "I had no idea he was your father." Kaneki revealed while staring at you intently. You rolled your eyes, thinking how clueless he truly was over the situation. Despite the intel that Kaneki always had on pretty much anything to do with Ghouls, you were surprised he didn't figure it out sooner. Though, he was still dead wrong.
  "He wasn't my biological father." You admitted, looking away from Kaneki. He stared at you with a puzzling expression. You inhaled, readying yourself for a brief trip down memory lane.
  "He killed my real parents right in front of me." You mentioned nonchalantly, acting aloof to the reminder. Kaneki looked down, saddened. The look on his face had angered you further.
  "I was raised to be a killer. I was abused by several people that came along. Mainly Yamori had the honor of it all, but you get the point." You explained briefly, sighing once you were finished. Kaneki opened his mouth to speak, but you continued before he had the chance.
  "Someone living the way I do shouldn't be alive anyways." You stated in a soft, torn voice, turning your head to look at him. Kaneki's nostrils flared with disdain over your words.
"Kaneki, just kill me." You stated plainly with a forced smile. The demand came out so naturally for you that simply hearing it infuriated Kaneki. He paced towards you with an almost terrifying expression. You gazed at him in suspense, yet, before you could react, he already had you pressed against him with his arms wrapped tightly around you. You stood there, slowly relaxing the longer he kept you in his abrupt embrace. You were hesitant to wrap your arms around him, so you kept them at your sides. He held you tighter upon noticing your awkward mannerisms of what to do. He seemed to be indifferent over you not returning your own embrace. You figured he wanted to convince you that he cared. The tighter his hold became, the more unbearable it seemed. You winced, trying to move away. Your wounds were still extremely tender. It was taking a lot longer for you to heal due to your weakened RC cells. You assumed that whatever it was that knocked you out in that alleyway had resulted in weakening your healing abilities. Yamori was always keen in making sure you would suffer as long as he wanted you to. Even in death, Yamori still found a way to toy with you. You shook your head of the memory.
  "A-ah, fuck!" You mumbled loudly against Kaneki, gritting your teeth from your afflictions.
  "Sorry." Kaneki stated in a low, overbearing tone.
  "Don't ever say something like that again." He insisted. You raised your eyebrows, annoyed.
  "Whatever." You answered, sounding irked by his statement.
  "You think it's funny to talk like that?" Kaneki continued further. You glared at him with blood shot eyes as you focused on your wounds to heal them.
  "Shut it! This isn't some joke to me, I was being serious. And what the hell was all that with the hugging? I have never met anyone so willing to see me die, suddenly acting like I'm crazy for wanting to." You ranted, catching your breath after the mouth full you managed to get out.
  "Maybe you grew on me. Did you ever think that perhaps I don't want to see you die?" Kaneki argued against your statement, greatly irritated with your rebuttal.
  "You're acting as if I've offended you. You're the one that caused me to act like this towards you, not the other way around, remember?" You started with a growing grimace.
  "All I wanted was a place I could be safe to mind my own business. You and all your little followers took that as a personal attack. Why, because you all hate me? Don't lie to me now just because you figured out that we've both been abused by the same person. It's pathetic. You and I couldn't be more different than we already are." You spoke in a seething tone, gritting your teeth. Kaneki wanted to argue, but held his tongue. He took a deep breath and considered your words for a few seconds.
  "How we treated you was unfair, but let me make up for it now." Kaneki considered, wanting to make things right with you. You squinted your eyes, they harbored contempt.
  "Fat fucking chance, I'm not going back there. Now that I don't have people like Yamori to hold me back, I won't be needing a place to hide like I used to." You argued further. Kaneki held an expression that looked as if he were about to drop to his knees and beg you at any moment.
  "You said so yourself that they follow on my every word. So just come back and let me prove to you that I can make things right. No one will ever bother you again." Kaneki offered, somewhat offending you.
  "What's the point, then? So you can have me in your little Ghoul army? I'll pass, thanks." You spoke in a sardonic voice, becoming bored with the conversation.
  "At the very least, let me help you get properly healed. I'll take you to Anteiku for some coffee. If you'd like, Touka-chan has meat on stand-by for Ghouls that need it." Kaneki insisted, attempting you to let your guard down. You scrunched your nose in question while you proceeded to glare at him. He was unmoved by your fleeting expressions.
  "How can I be so sure in trusting you?" You interrogated, crossing your arms against your chest, placing a leg forward as you tapped it on the ground.
  "You can't, but the offer is still on the table." Kaneki confirmed, raising your suspicions. You figured it would either end badly due to how many people would be attending the cafe, or he could be meaning what he says. You weren't positive which one was more probable compared to the other. You nodded, but refused to let your guard down. You winced, holding onto your abdomen. Kanek stepped forward.
  "Is it getting worse?" Kaneki wondered, seeming worried. You rolled your eyes.
  "When Yamori sent me flying, my back became really good friends with a steal beam. I got cut up real bad after rolling around in all the shit they have in there." You explained. Kaneki suddenly removed his shirt. You noticed that he harbored many scars just like you had. The glance was only short-lived before you avoided visual contact. You chuckled nervously.
  "Whoa, I'm not that kind of girl, dude. If seeing people all beat up turns you on you better go look elsewhere." You mentioned in a sarcastic manner. You weren't sure as to what Kaneki was planning, but you knew it wasn't anything sexual. You simply couldn't help but crack a joke. Kaneki shook his head, smiling lightly at your amusing outburst. He caught on quickly to your personality, even from the very beginning. Though it annoyed him in the past, it did begin to truly grow on him the longer you stuck around.
  "I'm taking off my shirt to rip it up into pieces so I can stop the bleeding on your leg and neck.
  "Why are you acting like you give two shits about me all of a sudden?" You mentioned, watching him. Kaneki smiled, ripping his shirt up.
  "Because seeing people in pain doesn't turn me on, despite what you may think." Kaneki fired back with his own playful banter. You let out an airy laugh, looking at him with a challenging expression. He examined the blood seeping through the fabric of your shirt. The wound was at the side of your torso. Kaneki assumed that that particular wound was the culprit behind why the others wouldn't heal.
  "There's too much blood loss, Y/N." Kaneki spoke up, honestly. You looked at him with curiosity.
  "I know, I'm focusing my RC cells as best I can but they must've drugged me with something." You explained, making it difficult for Kaneki to believe you.
  "That was just chloroform, wasn't it? Nishiki never mentioned anything about them drugging you." Kaneki explained, assuming you simply just took too much damage from Yamori. You chuckled to yourself over Kaneki's doubt in your strength.
  "Yamori did this all the time when I was still under his control. He would purposely experiment with things to make me weaker. He knew that I had an enhanced ability to heal far more effectively than average Ghouls, so he took steps to make sure I would be at his disposal for as long or as often as he wanted me to be." You added, helping Kaneki to understand the likelihood of the situation. You could feel it inside of you; the feeling of weakened RC cells. The scattered, panicked rush you always experienced the more you tried to escape Yamori's grasp. The sensation made you absolutely sick to the point of nearly bending over and retching all over the ground. Kaneki nodded, acknowledging your words. He maneuvered his shoulder towards you. You gave him a confused look with deeply furrowed brows.
  "Take a bite." Kaneki insisted. You let out a singular laugh before realizing he was completely serious over his invitation.
  "Are you out of your mind?" You questioned in a calm tone. You were in utter disbelief.
  "Y/N, there isn't any time. This isn't the first time someone has taken a bite out of me. You would only be the second I've given permission to." Kaneki explained. You looked at him with light consideration, yet you held yourself back. The idea was tempting for several reasons, yet, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
   "Y/N, it's okay. Please, I'm more worried about you than my damn shoulder." Kaneki assured. His voice sounded honest, but in the back of your mind, you knew he wasn't being all that truthful. You shrugged and inched closer, leaning in to take a bite out of the exposed skin like he had insisted. He groaned slightly in pain, but held back his voice in order to proceed in assisting you. You pulled away, swallowing the bloody contents within your mouth. You could already feel yourself regaining the energy you had lost. You sighed in utmost relief.
   "Sorry I fucked up your shoulder." You stated jokingly; although, you did feel a small spell of guilt over it. Kaneki laughed before responding.
   "It's fine, It was one way to help." Kaneki said, almost sounding happy. His shift in demeanor and personality was like a whiplash. You were still unsure whether you could fully trust him. Despite him allowing you to take a literal bite out of him, you still had your doubts.
   "That coffee invitation is still on the table if you want to accept it." Kaneki stated, referring to the trip he wanted to take over to Anteiku. You inhaled, annoyed with the reminder. Though, you reconsidered. It had dawned on you that Kaneki had mentioned Touka was there. Touka was the only Ghoul you actually seemed to remotely get along with, despite the both of you still disliking each other. You silently laughed to yourself at the memory before accepting Kaneki's offer.
  "Sure, why not. I could use some coffee right about now." You replied, acting overjoyed at the idea. You still experienced some tenseness, knowing it was Kaneki of all people to bring you there. However, you figured that if your plans of leaving were going to work out, you would need to act as friendly as possible. Kaneki suddenly became extremely wary of the surroundings. Once you picked up on an unknown sent, you readied yourself. After your RC cell levels, as well as your strength was back up, you were ready for anything.

Cloudy Skies {Kaneki x Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now