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A sudden fire ignited inside me. I turned around and coldly glared at him, "What do you want to say?"

Kang Zixian, with hands sticked inside the pockets, made a step forward. He lowered his head, facing my provocation like an arrogant peacock, which made people hold him in contempt, "I'm just curious. The one you want to save tonight is one of your boyfriends?"

Confronting someone who seemed to be handsome but was in a reality jerk, from whose thin lips came only slanders and malicious speculations, I instinctively had the urge to spit at him, but instead I hold myself back. Even though I was so mad that my body was shaking like an autumn leaf, I didn't act on my feelings. Rather, I made a step forward and stood on tiptoes. I wrapped my icy cold hands around his neck and frivolously spoke with a raised eyebrow, "So, are you interested in becoming one of them?"

This surprising act made him purse tightly his lips. He narrowed his eyes, a dangerous light flashed through them.

I innately sensed that I went too far. Just when I was about to let go, he has already freed himself from my restless hands and solemnly said, "I'm sorry, not interested." I breathed a sigh of relief. Shrugging the shoulders, I turned around and made few step. Afterwards, I smiled at him, sending him a wink, "Hence, I'm not going to mess with your life."

He still remained at the same place, watching me with an unreadable expression. I grew anxious. Standing beside his car, I waved at him, "Hurry up! If we come late, my little boyfriend will become a man's boyfriend."

While sitting in Kang Zixian's car, I noticed he has turned on the heater. When its warmth spread over people's bared flesh, it made them feel content and cozy, as if they were soaked inside the mountain hot spring.

Regrettably, the man beside was still cold. I anxiously gazed at the lanterns red and wine green[1] outside the car. I was unable to refrain myself from asking, "How much longer?"

"One hour. The club is located nearby the mountain." He emotionlessly replied. Inwardly, I cursed. I slightly felt unwell, having a faint headache. I, annoyed, massaged the aching temple, thinking that spending an hour with an iceberg was just as unbearable as attending the english classes during my high school times.

Kang Zixian also didn't seem to be interested in engaging in the conversation with me. I loathed to talk with him to begin with. But then, on the second thought, I contemplated that he was close with Deng Long. I should use this opportunity to probe him. Maybe I will come upon an unexpected discovery.

I cleared my throat, "That, it seems to be a little boring. Let's talk." He concentrated on driving and kept a silence. His rejection was evident. I was pissed. Unable to hold back the urge to retaliate, I used a happy smile to nausea him, "Are you......Deng Long's boyfriend?"

"Ah!" A sharp turn. My head slammed into the car window. The pain made me see the stars. Kang Zixian slowly stopped the car. I rubbed my forehead while looking at him with a startled expression. I didn't expect him to have such a fierce reaction. For a moment, I was thinking if I had guessed right and he was also a gay.

Birds of a feather flock together, after all. I told myself.

Kang Zixian's thick black eyebrows knitted together. He turned his head to glare at me. The dim car light that has hit on his straight and tall nose bridge evoked a sort of sculpture like beauty. Just, his domineering aura reminded people, that he definitely wasn't someone to look down upon. Since his expression was telling me that he cared very much, I have decided to not make it easy on him. I started my attack.

"Actually, you don't need to have such reaction. I won't discriminate against your community. On the other hand, AIDS is more discriminating against you guys. I heard that the infection rate is high. Well, you should pay attention to it. Don't forget to buy more of those stuffs. Of course, self-control is never a bad thing." Kang Zixian did not speak. His eyes were surprisingly bright. After angrily glaring at me for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Three days. I know you only for three days, yet the thought of strangling you have emerged almost three hundred times. Fang Liangliang, keep that in mind."

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