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The next day, Dong Zi took his grandmother and mother to the district park which was located near a river. His mother was afraid of the sounds from car horns and so Dong Zi had put on ear-plugs for his mother. The park was not too far from their home, just only around the corner. He held his grandmother with one hand and the other hand was entwined with his mother's hand. The three of them walked slowly in the sun, basking in their own little happiness.

The weather was fine, laughter could be heard in the park, his grandmother and mother were very happy and even his mother's face which was usually dull showed a slight smile. Obviously, she is a 50-year-old woman but her smile is like the smile of a satisfied child.

His mother obediently bite into the cake she was holding and Dong Zi carefully wiped off the crumbs of cake sticking to the sides of her mouth and asked softly. "Mother....is it delicious?'

His mother nodded, her mouth muttering to herself, putting all her interest in the cake in her hand.

Dong Zi took out the thermos flask and poured out two cups of water. He handed a cup to his grandmother and the other he gave it to his mother. He supported her hand to help her drink from the cup, then wiped off the excess water dripping from her mouth. While he was busy with his mother, the phone in his pocket started to vibrate.

For his mother's sake, he had kept away from his home all unnecessary noise or sound and that also included phone ringtones.

He stared at the number displayed on the phone screen. His originally happy mood suddenly became dark.

It was Deng Loong.

In a low, domineering voice, Deng Loong asked. "Where are you?"

Dong Zi glanced at the two elderly, stood up and walked a short distance away. He softly talked into the phone and his hands were quietly sweating.

Unconsciously he stammered. "You.....you.....what do you want?"

The man on the other end seemed to give a light laugh which still gave Dong Zi a gloomy feeling.

"What do I want? Ai.....what do I intend to do.....Police Officer Ai, why don't you help me think what I really want to do? Huh?"

Deng Loong's voice tone sounded like an incomparable rogue and Dong Zi really wanted to give him a punch. Unconsciously Dong Zi's hand clenched into a fist, turned his head sideways and looked at his grandmother and mother who were eating happily, a few steps away from him. In his heart, he sighed and used a soft tone to speak. "Can we settle the debt another day?"

The other side was not giving way, not even half a step. "Another day? No.....I am already standing at your door. Xiao Ai, after you were in my place for a few days, a group of people was sent to my place for a surprise check on my accounts. And also my business was suspended for investigation and I had to travel up and down to settle this matter wasting a great deal of money. No matter how, as a citizen's police office, you should at least treat me to a meal, right?"

Dong Zi's hands and feet became cold, the evil god had come right up to his door to look for him.

Immediately full of vigor and at the same time felt scared, not knowing whether this would lead to a long-term war plan, he hurriedly said. "I'm......not at home. Please leave."

"I will wait for you to come home. Today I have time and will wait until you return."

"I....tonight I am not going home. Even if you wait, it will be fruitless."

"Hey, wasn't the debt 8 million yuan? Is it worth it for you to take your grandmother and mother for a walk? The elderly's bones are crisp, are you not afraid of the mountain road to the peak?"

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