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Astrid's pov
I'm here again on the toilet puking again. It's the fourth time this week. I don't really know what it could be. It's probably just something I ate or maybe I just got a bug.

Sophia comes into the bathroom with a worried expression. She's holding her hands behind her back.

"Astrid have you and Joey ya know"she asks me awkwardly.

"Yeah about two weeks ago"I said before throwing up again.

"You don't think you could I don't know be pregnant maybe"she hands my a pregnancy test.

"No im pretty sure we used prote- oh shit we didn't use protection"I lean against the wall.

"Please take the test"she leaves the bathroom.

I can't be pregnant, I just can't. I'm only seventeen, I'm gonna be eighteen next month. I'm still to fucking young.

I slowly open the package and take it out. I pull my pants down and sit on the toilet. I do the rest and exit the bathroom. I walk to the living room and see Sophia and Bella with worry written all over there faces.

"So are you"Bella asked me.

"I don't know it's takes some time to process"I sat next to soph.

"What if he just leaves me, what if he tells me to get an abortion, which I will never fucking get. How could I be so stupid"I start to slightly cry.

"Hey it's okay he won't, he loves you. He maybe be shocked at first, but he won't leave you"Bella comforts me.

"Let's not talk about that yet you might not even be pregnant"Sophia says.


"Your pregnant"Bella tells me.

"Oh god"Sophia looked shocked.

I couldn't speak, I was frozen. I can't be I'm still a fucking kid. Joey is just a teenager, he's gonna leave me.

"Astrid you okay"Bella asks me.

Knock knock

We hear at the front door. I quickly snatch the test from Bella and flush it down the toilet. It surprisingly went down.

We all walk to the living room and open the front door and there stood my father, that lady and a twelve year old kid.

"What do you want"I ask harshly.

"Hey don't talk to my dad like that"the kid glared at me.

"Mike calm down it's okay, and Astrid your coming to live with me in New York."he straight up said.

"No im not you don't have custody of me"I try to slam the door.

"Yes he does young lady so your coming if you like it or not and that's final"the lady gritted.

"I'm not going and that's final"I leave to my bedroom.

What the fuck is going on with my life. One minute it's everything I could ask for and then the next it's complete shit. I'm just done with everything. First a child and now my father.


I'm now at joeys house to tell him the situation. My father already has people in the girls house packing my stuff.

I see a bubble gum corvette in his driveway. I instantly know that car. I mean how many Barbies could there be in one town.

I bust in and run upstairs to joeys room. I bust through the door and see Amy bouncing on him.

"Don't ever contact me again"I slam the door and run out.


I drive back to the apartment as quickly as possible. I see all my stuff already packed up. I also see Lexi with four suitcases.

"Hey what's wrong"she asks me.

"He cheated"I cry to her.

"It's okay you'll never see him again, and also looks like I'm coming with"she says in an awkward tone.

"What But your not his child"I say confused.

"No but he did adopt me"she looks down.

"Let's go girls"my father pushes us to the limo.

"Look Astrid I know your not okay with this but please understand this is the only way I can keep you safe"he gives me a sincere look.

"I can protect myself"I wipe my tears.

"You have no training in fighting, you don't know how to handle a gun and you especially don't know half the shit my father knows"the kid keeps defending him.

"I do have training in fighting, and I sure as hell know how to handle a gun"I gritted.

"Stop we'll talk on the plane"rose my fathers wife shuts us up.

Sorry that's it's all over the place but had to add something spicy😂bye loves please don't hate me💛💛

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