Chapter 6 (Chloe)

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Millie's dead. I don't believe it. I can't believe it. She was dead, confirmed by the coroner's office and later announced in the press.

I didn't necessarily like her, I honestly still don't, but she was one of my brother's friends, and I wouldn't wish her fate on anyone. Ever. No matter how horrible of a person they may be.

Millie wasn't even that bad, she was mostly just annoying.

No, stop it, Chloe. She's gone. You have to be polite.

It was now nine o'clock on Saturday morning. It was a beautifully sunny day in May, and all of the flowers in our extensive gardens were blooming, the feeling completely contradictory to the gloominess inside our house.

In the 10 hours since the body was found in the school auditorium, many things happened at unparalleled speeds.

First, the cops were called, and an ambulance. From there, Millie's parents, truly nice people, were called and arrived on the scene. Her mom, Mandy, had been balling her eyes out and was leaning heavily on the towering form that is her husband.

The body was taken to the hospital, where Millie was officially declared dead by one of the doctors. Sasha was at the hospital when the news broke out and had called my brother hysterically sobbing.

The planned sleepover with my friends was promptly cancelled, as were basically all of the prom after-parties that various other individuals planned. The parents of every student that attended prom came to pick their kid up, and no one went out all weekend, even though social media was abuzz.

Sasha had come over immediately afterwards and started balling her eyes out as soon as she entered the front foyer of our house. But, who'd be surprised? She just lost her best friend of 15 years. No matter how coldhearted the girl is, she actually did care about her friend.

Ryan was trying to comfort her in his room. Hugging her, holding her. Letting her rest. Me on the other hand, I'm doing what I can to help out, but I don't exactly connect with her. Sasha and I have never quite gotten along, no matter how hard I used to try and put up with her for Ryan's sake way back in the early days of their relationship.

As soon as they heard the news, my parents freaked out and immediately flew back home from New York, where they had been at a business meeting. Now, they're trying to keep us from going to school, but I don't think Ryan is happy about that. Putting on a strong front and being a man and all that.

I'm terrified about what was going on. I think it's because I was like to remain in the loop. So far, I've called Nava and Talia and both of them chatted with me for a while, reassuring me. Nava was going a little mad from the lack of sleep over the last couple of days, so in reality, it was mostly Talia keeping our heads on our shoulders. She facetimed me because her calming voice over the phone wasn't enough to keep me from spinning out of control.

I've also tried calling Alana, but she hasn't picked up yet. I can only assume she's supporting her cousin through the death of his girlfriend.

At the current second, I was wandering along the vast beige carpeted hallways of my house, pondering about my life right now. Somehow, I ended up right in front of the kitchen door. I was about to knock on it when it suddenly opens. I jump 2 steps backwards so I don't get hit in the face.

"Clo, please grab this soup. It's for Alexandra" The head maid, Juliette, a rather plump, greying woman with kind eyes, tells me.

She's been the head maid and the children's governess ever since my father was a child. She literally raised him, and a generation later me and Ryan. I don't have a deep respect for many people, but Julie, that's what we call her, is one of the people I respect and trust with my life. She's just too formal. I mean, no one calls Sasha 'Alexandra', like ever. It just doesn't happen.

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