Chapter 7 (Grammer Check)

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Naruto was sitting in his office as he flicked a coin, spinning it around on his desk. He sighed as he pushed back his chair and looked over at the large stack of paperwork he had done... and for the next month "Love Shadow Clones," Naruto whispered as he took a deep breath and stood up. He walked over to the window looking out into the village and whispered: "If this goes on, first Unohana, then Kirio, now Kenpachi... I can only say that next will have to be the old man himself," as he remembered the talk he had with his student.


"Kenpachi?" Naruto asked

"Y-yes, he was about my age, black dirty hair... I'm pretty sure I almost cut out his left eye," Unohana said as Naruto fell to the floor

"Mei?" Naruto questioned

"Y-yes?" Mei replied

"Did any of the men that found her see anyone else?"

"I-I'm not sure, nobody told me anything out of the ordinary,"

"Okay," Naruto said as he picked himself off the ground, "Unohana, you're staying here for the next few days,"

"Excuse me?" Unohana asked. She raised an eyebrow as Naruto released some of his reiatsu "Did I stutter?" Naruto asked as Unohana shook her head

"Loud and clear, sensei!" Unohana said as Naruto nodded


"Y-yes, bro?" Isane asked as Naruto knelt down

"How about we go get something to eat?"

End Flashback:

"Urgh, this is just gonna hurt like hell, ain't it?" Naruto asked himself

'More than likely kid,' Tenjiro said inside Naruto's mind

"Hey, sensei... can I talk with you?" Naruto asked

'*Sigh* Fi~~ne, just make it quick,' Tenjiro replied as Naruto was pulled inside his mindscape. When he was inside, he was surrounded by hot springs and stone foxes. Sitting on a chair with a stick in his mouth was a man wearing the same clothes as Naruto and the same hairstyle.

 Sitting on a chair with a stick in his mouth was a man wearing the same clothes as Naruto and the same hairstyle

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Naruto walked over to the man as he looked at Naruto "So, what's on your mind. Time isn't something I got and you need to live your life," he said as Naruto scoffed

"You've got all the time in the world, sensei, and what life do I have to live?" Naruto replied as Tenjito smirked

"Guess you're right, now start talking,"

"Okay, okay... I'm just worried," Naruto said, crossing his arms.

"Worried? You? No, it must be the end of the world," Tenjiro replied, his voice drenched in sarcasm, making Naruto growled

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