Anger over Reasoning

260 13 16

Rintis Island, Malaysia,
Planet Earth

Ochobot's POV

I am glad Captain Kaizo did it, I think with a smile.

I was just hiding behind one of the nearby palm trees, enjoying the most tearful and nostalgic scene between Captain Kaizo and Boboiboy. I didn't interrupted their conversation because I saw the captain handling the situation better than before. I mean, I was the one who encouraged him every week to be opened to any trustful friend. He refused at first but, this time, the heavy burden inside his aching heart is forever gone. And I knew I could count on him to cool Boboiboy down. I could've done better than Captain, but... I guess that will do.

Until a single laser shot ruined the entire moment.

"Oh, dear..." I say, still in shock of what I have seen.

Captain falls painfully to the ground and Boboiboy tries to stop the blood from flowing.

I am about to rush out of my hiding place and help them, but suddenly I feel a dark presence somewhere near my position.

Wait, correction: That dark presence is already behind me.

"Nice to meet you again," someone whispers devilish. "Ochobot."

A cold shrudder jogs up my electric nerves as I whirl around to face the least person I was expecting for today.

"Bora Ra..."

I try to scream for help but I am mentally paralyzed. Horrible memories begin to flood through my mind, and all of them were the traumatic experiences I had with my enemy. His towering height, bulky hammer, dark clothes, malicious face. Everything in him haunts me as I remember our last meeting.

"Ochobot, is it?"

"May I borrow your cute little friend... BY FORCE???!!!"

"Bring Ochobot to me, or your friends will suffer the consequences."

"You're good, Boboiboy. But now I will have this power, and kill your Ochobot."

My whole body shakes in fear. "Y-you're supposed to be... dead."

Bora Ra sees this and takes advantage. He yanks me towards him and quickly opens my rear panel. "And now I live again."

"No, Boboi—!" but he cuts my audio, never giving me any chance to scream.

Then he shoves me inside an all metal  cage with no holes whatsoever.

"Enjoy the show," the red alien whispers and, with a wicked smile, he strides off to meet Boboiboy.

With me in his grip.

Let me go!! my thoughts scream as I try to escape. My metal hands bang the metal, but he doesn't mind and holds me tighter. Open this up, you—!

"I'm back, Boboiboy!" he roars. "And I've brought a friend with us."

"Bora Ra," I hear him pant. "I. Will. Kill. You. For THIS."

Bora Ra snickers. "Aww, is that how you greet an old friend?"

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Ah, that," Bora Ra smugly said. "Did you forget that I'm a black-hole wielder? I can escape from any of it and reappear at any corrupted black hole in the whole galaxy. My, my, my... You're didn't even say hello to your friend."

He pats the spherical trap, creating a hollow sound that almost shook my entire body.

Outside, a foot stomps thickly on the sand. "What have you've been doing with it, Bora Ra? Who are you after this time?"

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