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(Y/N)'s Fanclub

Worldwide Handsome added you in the group.

Worldwide Handsome: hello (Y/N)!

You: uhhhh why is the groupchat named my fanclub?

Taebak: because we're your fans!

You: I'm not even famous .-.

Taebak: doesn't matter

You: *face palms*

Chiminie: hello guys!

Justin Seagull: ayo

Joonie: hello

Worldwide Handsome: well these three went online

Hope: hey I'm here too!

You: hello hobi :)

Hope: hello beautiful dongsaeng ^-^

Chiminie: yah (Y/N)! you wont say hi to us too? hm?

You: hello jimin oppa, hello jungkook oppa, hello namjoon oppa

Chiminie: helllooo

Justin Seagull: ayo wassup

Joonie: hello baby siz

Yoongo: what did I miss?

Worldwide Handsome: you didn't miss anything, they all just said hi to each other

You: what is this groupchat for anyways?

Worldwide Handsome: well this groupchat was made a few days ago already and I just added you now hehe

Taebak: hey (Y/N)

You: yo?

Taebak: nothing

You: lol okay

Chiminie: I'm so bored

Yoongo: sleep your boredness off

Joonie: is that even a word?

Yoongo: i don't know, smart pants

You: I am bored too, ugh

Justin Seagull: watch movies with me,

Taebak: or play board games with me!

Chiminie: or sing with me!

Yoongo: or sleep with me zzZZzZZZ

Joonie: or do advance reading with me so you won't be hard up on your future homeworks

Hope: or dance with me!

Worldwide Handsome: or cook dinner with me!

You: ugh I don't know to you guys, I'm just gonna sleep

Yoongo: with me?

You: uh, no.


lmaoskskskskks im sorry if the nicknames are baaadddd

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