They saved you from a demon

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This one was requested by @kiwipineapples ! I hope you all can enjoy it. 

Next time I will try to add Sanemi for my lovely @Drakodisa, I hope I'll get his character right *prays*


Holding her (blade color) sword in between her calloused (skin color) fingers, their shape slightly shivering from the cold of the night and the pressure dancing around them, (First Name) tried her best to accomplish her mission without asking for...

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Holding her (blade color) sword in between her calloused (skin color) fingers, their shape slightly shivering from the cold of the night and the pressure dancing around them, (First Name) tried her best to accomplish her mission without asking for help. The last thing she wanted to feel was to be a burden to her dear friends, especially him. The last thing she wanted to feel, was regrets, the ones left by the nightmares of the unfilled battles, their scars never fully healing. That's what she was thinking when the demon caught her by the neck, admiring her traits before it would deliver its last blow. "I fought until the end", she thought, closing her (eyes color) eyes, their brightness never fading, even in the sadness of the moment. 

" - Let go of her ! " she heard, already feeling the grip on her neck loosening. She rolled onto the floor as the demon let her go, her eyes still closed during her fall. She opened her eyes, only to see her friend Tanjiro using all his strength to beat that demon. Using his first style, he slashed the demon's hand, the one that was holding you, keeping you from bleeding, the one that fell right next to your laying form. Then, trying his best to keep his rage under control, he used his seventh style to end its life. He used all of his fastest technics, he did not want to keep the fight going. The eyes that were so kind were filled with an enraging fire that screamed revenge and justice.

All he wanted was to end this, and get to you as soon as possible. The second the demon's body vanished, he ran towards her, still laying down on the dirty floor. He sat close to you, bringing your head onto his knees, the eyes that were a few moments ago filled with determination and anger, finally turning back to their usual and unique tenderness. Worry was still present, but the loving hue coming out of his cherry-looking orbs masked it.

" - (First Name), I promise I'll take care of your injuries, if you promise to never go on your own again." 

Chuckling, you managed to give a surprising answer :

" - But then you won't be my knight in shining armor, won't you? Tan-ji-ro ?" 

He immediately blushed, slightly smiling at the fact that after all of this, you kept your sense of humour and life. 

Oh, what would he become without you ?



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