Revived to die

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Ok, so this one was a very complicated request, but I like a little challenge. For the past maybe I think it was two days I've been planning this one out on how I'm going to do it. So here goes nothing. And I don't know if this is really a one-shot, but my chest is hurting just by thinking about what I'm going to write

Warning, very emotional and sad at the end.

Natsu's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch relaxing as I let out a long sigh and read my book ( yes, I read). Yesterday we had a mission and were so tired that we all collapsed on the train floor before we even got to our seats. However when we got off, Lucy had a sinister smile on her face that seemed directed towards me, it was pretty creepy.

In the middle of a paragraph there was a knock on the door, " who could that be" I said to myself and got up heading over to the door. Opening the wooden barrier, I saw Lucy standing there with her hands behind her back, " hey Luce, what's- ack" I let out a pained cry as I felt something pierce my arm, looking down, I saw Lucy holding a needle as she injected fluid. My eyes widened and I slapped her hand away, " what the hell was that Lucy" I demanded and she giggled, " oh Natsu, you have no idea how much I've wanted to do this" she said and took he other hand out from behind her back and before I had time to react I was stabbed in the stomach.

" L-lucy, w-why" I asked and tried to start up my fire magic but nothing came, " don't even try to use it, the fluid cancels your magic and makes your body weak" she said evily and I was pinned to the ground as she began to stab me over and over again in the stomach, chest, legs, and arms. I screamed in pain and thrashed around trying to get out of her hold but the injection made me to weak. I felt the knife go on my chest right over my heart and I coughed up blood as I looked at my guild mat-- no, killer, "p-please, d-d-don't do t-this" I asked as tears fell from my eyes. She just put a sinister smile on and I felt the knife stab me once again right through my heart. I stopped fighting, struggling, crying as my vision started to become black, and my body become cold. Everything began to leave; happiness, sadness, pain, anger, love, and pretty life.

Third person

Natsu's body layed their motionless and bloody, but the stab wounds were gone. He groaned as his eyes opened, " h-huh, am I dead, why am I in my home" he said and sat up, " you're not dead, just brought back to life" a voice rang and Natsu looked behind him to see Zeref. " What do you mean brought back to life?" He asked and stood up, " Natsu, as you know you are my little brother and E.N.D. Since you're a demon from the book of Zeref that means your life is the book, so as long as that book stays, you'll stay" the black wizard explained and helped his brother regain balance.

Natsu thought back on what happened and teared up, " why did Lucy do that, I thought she was my friend" he said trembling and Zeref sighed, " I don't know Natsu, but you should go see someone, how bout that Gray guy, you like him don't you" he said smiling and sat the pinkette down. Natsu looked up at his older brother, " can you stay please" he asked, " sorry Natsu, but I need to run, Alverez needs me and I came to visit you but I found you on the ground unconscious and covered in blood. I promise I'll come visit again next week alright" Zeref sighed and gave Natsu a kiss on the forehead before leaving. The pinkette wiped his tears and got up to go take a shower, he held up his hands and brought out his flames, " thank goodness my magic is back" he sighed and walked into the bathroom.

(( Time skip

Natsu got out of the shower as he dried his hair and body. He threw a clean set of clothes on and left to the guild, " I really want to see Gray" he mumbled and kept walking as the afternoon sun shone on him. Along the way people kept giving him sinister smiles just like the ones Lucy gave him, ' I better get to the guild quick' he thought and started to sprint.

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