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(Before Astrid came)

Joeys pov
I am getting ready to go to Astrid's apartment. I've been bored all day and well the girls informed me that she's been puking nonstop and I wanna check in her. I can't seem to find my shoes tho, i have many but I can only find one pair of each. I did find like four of Astrid's bras tho. It's been an sexual two weeks for us if you know what i mean.

Anyways I have found my Air Forces. They one was in the bathroom and the other one under my bed.

Knock knock.

I walk downstairs and open the door. I should have not opened the door.

"Amy Halloween past take the mask off"I snicker, Astrid would have as well.

"You don't mean that, also I have something juicy for you"she pushed right passed me.

"Amy get the fuck out, I don't care what you have to show me"I pointed towards the door.

"Come sit"she grins, patting the couch for me to sit. "It's about Astrid" I go and sit.

"What about her, you have nothing on her she's an amazing girl"I start to day dream about my girl.

"She's cheating on you"she's shows me a video, it's of her fucking Dylan but her hair is very long and she doesn't have the tattoo on her side.

"Haha very fucking funny, also her hair is just above her tits and she has a tattoo on her side of her father death day"I hand her phone back.

"Well there's this one"she hands me the phone again with her kissing Carlos.

"How stupid do you think I am, this was at the party I threw, you just edited it to have a different background, now get the fuck out of my house"I grab her arm and take her out side.

"You didn't let me finish"she shows me a video of her getting beat by Eric and that whore.

"How did you get this"I ask her, she just smirked.

"That doesn't matter now does it, now you do as I say or everyone in school gets this video"she waves her phone around.

"And I'll tell the entire school that you have aids"which at this point I don't doubt.

"I don't just got check I'm all cleaned"she smirked.

Why isn't Astrid here to save me.

I bolt upstairs to my phone and call Aaron.

The call
Me:Aaron help Amy's here and she knows about what happened to Astrid when she lived with you know who and she has video proof.
Aaron: umm oh shit, seduce her take her phone and delete the video.
Me:but i can't do that to Astrid.
Aaron:Well then there's nothing else to do.
Me:fucking fine I'll do it.
End of call.

"Joey open this door"she bangs on my room door. I get out from under my bed and praise myself for what I'm about to do.

"You know what fuck it I never liked Astrid anyway"I wrapped my arms around her waist. My arms don't feel comfortable like when I wrap then around Astrid.

"I knew you never did, you just needed a push"she smirked, I slowly reach down her pocket and extract her phone.

"Nice try big boy"she pushes me on my bed. She climbs onto me. I try again and this time I'm successful and throw the phone across the room.

"Okay get off I have to visit my sisters, Bella is sick"I try to push her off. I didn't even realize but she had pulled my pants down.

"Amy get off, I'm sister is sick and I need to visit her"I said but she pushed me inside her.

"Don't ever contact me again"Astrid slams the door.

"Shit you fucking whore, why can't you let us be happy for once, why do you have to be so fucking selfish, also tell your daddy and mommy to say good fucking bye to there jobs"I pull my pants up and chase after Astrid.

Shit, shit, shit, she'll never take me back again. I'm such an idiot.


I arrived to the apartment and rushed in. Both Bella and Sophia were crying on the couch, probably a movie. I rushed to Astrid's room and everything was gone, and I mean everything.

"She left minutes ago"Sophia's face is all wet.

"What do you mean left"I asked.

"She left, her father came and just rolled her that she needed to leave with him so he can protect her"Bella informs me.

"Is that why she came to my house"I asked, they simply nodded.

"There was another reason but cheating on her really Joey, she's one of a kind. She's moving different and her price is going up. She isn't afraid to leave anyone behind and that includes you Joesph, tho this time she was for reason she'll have to tell you. She's authentic and courageous, I mean how many girls would have had the guts to even fight in any underground, yet she fought the worse of the worse. She's the type of women that most pray are out to get but get intimidated by because she know exactly what she wants, and Joey she wanted you but you didn't let yourself keep. She often needs to recharge and soak in her solitude but that girl is one of a kind and you may have just lost the one girl who was worth keeping"Bella says bring me to tears.

I went in the bathroom and locked myself in. I go to sit in the toilet but there was something in there. It looked like a pregnancy test. I looked a little closer and it's had both lines. I barge out.

"Was she pregnant"I asked my sisters.

Uh-oh😱🤭also sorry for my inactive-ness but like I can't write all the time I do have a life...well kinda I don't really like people that much but still😂bye loves💛💛

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