a decent drawing? in my art book?

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I got a lot a pictures and shit to say, and my keyboard is trying to die so let's go.

Finished drawing:

Finished drawing:

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Pencil sketch:

Pencil sketch:

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Why did I draw this:

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Why did I draw this:

Because I watch Safia Nygard's(is that how you spell it) video on getting a Lolita makeover in Japan and was like "woah that shit's cool my dude."

It's really similar to what I already draw because if you can't tell by now I draw a lot of like 50's dresses and stuff. Like how I always draw super arched eyebrows.

So when I saw the Lolita stuff it was really similar to what I already draw. And so I figured, why not dive into Instagram and look for inspiration. So I did.

And I found a lot of stuff and I'll probably be redrawing a lot of stuff because it's fun.

Honestly I don't know why I draw shit like this but I do. I wear all black and people scream "emo" at me in school. But I guess as my teacher and friend's mom have told me, I'm an anomaly. (nOt LiKe OtHeR gUyS)

Side rant:
A highlighter or something exploded all in my pencil bag and it keeps coming off on my hand and my arm is blue, please help.

That's all. K bye.

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