52. claimed

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52. claimed


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     WITH HER EYES WIDE OPEN SHE STARED AT the trees above her. She hadn't slept for one single second that night. The men hadn't tried to touch her or anything, not with Daryl always lingering so close. But that didn't stop them from eyeing her whenever they felt it like, smirking all the while. It made her feel sick.

She reached up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She was exhausted but refused to closed her eyes. Not even with Daryl laying next to her, awake. She could tell he wasn't sleeping by his breathing. Part of her wondered when she had started listening to the way he breathed and learned how to recognise it, but she pushed those thoughts away. She shifted on the small blanket she laying on, turning so she was facing Daryl. He was so close that she could feel the warmth from his body and she was thankful he at least pretended they were together. When they wouldn't touch or kiss each other the others might start to wonder if she truly was with him. Maybe sleeping so close together helped to keep up the illusion.

A small sigh left his lips, as though he could feel her accusing stare, and he turned his head to look at her. He was so close she could see specks of green in his blue eyes. A wave of warmth rolled through her stomach, pleasent and horrifying at the same time.

'What?' He muttered, softly to not wake any of the others.

She felt herself smile despite the situation. 'Shouldn't you put your arm around me?'

He scoffed, turning his head away again to stare up to the pale morning sky.

Her smile faded and her heart ached painfully. Teasing him reminded her of Beth. She didn't want to think about the teenager they lost. She was afraid she might cry if she did. Taking a deep breath she forced the lump in her throat away. Her eyes went back to Daryl, studying his face to distract herself from the pain. Just then her stomach growled in hunger and she winced in both shame and annoyance at the sound.

Daryl turned back to look at her, the corner of his mouth lifting up in a smirk. At the sight the feeling of her heart being set on fire returned. 'Let's go hunt,' he mumbled, his eyes lingering on her for a second before pushing himself to his feet.

Quinn got to her feet and followed him out of the camp. The sun hadn't even risen yet and she hated that she couldn't see more than a few feet in front of her. Sticking close to Daryl she followed him through the forest,trying to watch her step like he taught her.

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