Yoru sees Twilight together with his handler

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For those who may have forgotten Ms. Handler:

Twilight was currently in a cafe, waiting for his handler as he's informed by headquarters that it was a mission that cannot be delivered carelessly. Little did he know, someone he knew was also in the cafe.

Yoru was with her colleagues as they all proposed having lunch break at a nearby cafe by the city hall. She couldn't refuse as she had to maintain good relations with them, to not worry Yuri.

Her eyes immediately saw someone familiar. Oh, Lloyd is here, is he meeting up with a client?

A rather mature and elegant woman enters the cafe and Yoru's full attention shifted towards the table Twilight sat on as the woman also took a seat on the chair in front of him.

What a beautiful client. Yoru found herself fixated on the table, not noticing her mind's absence.

"Yoru senpai? Yoru senpai!" A colleague of hers snaps her out of her fixated gaze on a certain table.

"Huh? Wha- Were you saying something?" Yoru stumbles on her speech and tries to bring back her attention to her own table.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet since we arrived."

Camilla, another co worker of hers dismisses this sassily, "She's always been like that, what's so different?" Even when the statement meant a shade towards the assassin, Yoru was actually thankful as it avoided her being the center of attention.

"Okay... Anyway, did you hear? Someone from the Finance department..."

After that, Yoru did not really hear what her colleagues were gossiping about. And she could care less about it, as her attention went on again towards Twilight and his... client.


Twilight was about to initiate the briefing of the mission, when his handler suddenly puts her hand atop his. "What are you doing?" Twilight only simply asked.

Handler looked slightly confused as Twilight, a top spy, seem to forgot such a simple strategy. "Don't be such an amateur Lloyd, acting like a couple between men and women spies reduces suspicions around." While Twilight knew his handler only acted out of professionalism, he still felt that it wasn't right to do that now.

"I'll have to refuse. I... have a wife." Twilight straightly says and his handler giggles in interest, ready to tease the agent. "And I assume she also does know you two are just pretend."

"Operation Strix is my main mission and I j-just ought to do it perfectly."

Yoru's colleagues remained immersed in their girl gossips, that they did not notice Yoru slowly stand up to approach another table.

Twilight slowly looked up and gaped at seeing the person between them. "Yoru..." Out of instinct, he'd quickly slipped his hand out of his handler's.

Yoru had come back to her senses and immediately realized where she stood. Huh? What am I doing here?

"Uh.. Um... I'm sorry!" Yoru, embarassed that she'd got through their 'conversation', walks fast to leave the cafe. Why did I do that? And why should I be bothered? it's not like we're real.

Right? Yoru clutches the hem of her blouse as she tries to swallow down an irritable feeling in her.

Twilight suddenly felt the quick need to chase after Yoru. "Sorry but I'll skip this for-"

"Operation Strix. Go on. With how panicked you look right now, it seems important." His handler only smiles and follows Twilight's figure as he hurriedly exits the cafe. For Operation Strix huh? This is the first time I've seen him so unnerved with a small part of a mission. Or is she still just a small part?

"Yoru! Wai- Yoru!" Twilight calls out and Yoru stops. After catching his breath, he proceeds to speak, "That earlier, uh I-"

Yoru inhaled and exhaled momentarily before facing Twilight with a small smile. "I.. I won't overstep my boundaries. So, it's okay really. It's not like I'm your real wife."

Twilight pursed his lips before speaking again. "I... I want to do this perfectly."

"Don't worry! I-I won't mention anything about this to anyone. We'll continue to show others that we're your average normal family." Yoru tries to reassure Twilight.

"I said, perfectly." Twilight walks a little closer to her before gently taking her left hand to slip a simple gold ring on her ring finger. Yoru was taken aback and could only stare at the ring she now wore.

"I realized I haven't given you a proper wedding ring since that improvised (grenade ring) one. Y-You know! Cause people will get suspicious if a married couple don't even have rings."

Yoru couldn't help but take a peek at his left hand, just to see that he was wearing the same match and she wouldn't show it but she smiles to herself.

Twilight clears his throat and looks away. "I actually meant to give it to you when I get home. Guess I was too early."

Yoru shakes her head and looks at her ring again. "No. I think it's just about right."



Twilight: That was really a patient earlier. She has uh, Hand Obsession Syndrome. It's backed by cutting edge science.

Yoru: oh...

Handler: *sneezes* someone's definitely saying something stupid behind my back.

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