New Vehicle Forms

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A week later, Arcee was looking for Goliath but he was nowhere to be seen. She walked up to Ratchet to see where Goliath was

"Uhh Ratchet? Have you seen Goliath? I was thinking of asking him out on a drive assuming he has found a vehicle form", she asked him. Ratchet looked at Arcee and shook his head

"I haven't. Luckily the device I implanted into him has a tracker. And it seems to be transmitting from...some sort of base", he replied typing up the coordinates. The ground bridge opened up and Optimus, Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee drove through. They transformed back into their normal forms and began a search. The base was seemingly abandoned with wrecked cars and boxes everywhere. Ratchet managed to find a more precise fix on Goliath's location.

"Alright, he seems to be in a garage somewhere. Sending the location now", he said as the location appeared in their optics. Optimus carefully opened the door and the four of them headed inside. To their shock they found a giant tank inside, parked safely and securely

 To their shock they found a giant tank inside, parked safely and securely

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"Where is Goliath? He's a big guy", Bulkhead wondered.

"I'm right here", Goliath's voice said and Arcee began looking around

"Where?", she asked just as they heard something. They all looked at the tank to see it transforming into Goliath

"Right here", he replied right before he was hugged by Arcee.

"Wondered where you went, you lovable scrap heap", Arcee said with a smile before giving Goliath a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Ratchet we found him. Bring us back", Optimus said and the ground bridge opened up. They all transformed back into their vehicle forms and headed through the ground bridge. Everyone back at base was surprised to see the new vehicle

"Hovering tank? Where did you guys find this?", Jack asked just as the tank transformed back into Goliath

"Abandoned base", Goliath replied to an awed Jack, Miko and Raf.

"Any other vehicle forms I should know about?", Arcee asked leaning against her lover. Goliath smiled before transforming into a four wheeled vehicle with a mounted machinegun.

 Goliath smiled before transforming into a four wheeled vehicle with a mounted machinegun

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Arcee was shocked and awed. When Goliath transformed back, she pulled him aside

"So I was wondering. Do you...want to go for a drive one day?", she asked with her faceplate growing pink

"You mean like a date?", Goliath asked

"If that's what you want to call it", Arcee replied putting her hands behind her back and her faceplate growing pinker.

"Only if it's with my favourite blue and pink two wheeler", Goliath responded and Arcee blushed even more before the two shared a kiss.

"So, next week?", Arcee asked as they broke away

"Definitely", Goliath responded and pulled her closer and kissed the top of her faceplate.

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