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Marci POV

"Alright child, now go I will be fine here by myself. Plus I have your sweet cat Midus to look after me."

"Alright aunt Marci see you later" Roxanne said closing the door behind her on the way to her car.

Once Roxanne was out the door it was time to have conversation with Ramon. Marci dialed her husband and listened while it rang. "Roman, so I have some news."

"Is everything okay Marci? You don't sound so good."

"Well, yeah technically everything is fine, but Roxi, she found the ring."

"What ring Marci?"

"THE ring Ramon, the ring that she needs to be what she is, a witch. She found the ring Roman."

"No way, we all thought that it was a lost cause. We looked for it for years and turned nothing up."

"Well, she just moved here what two months ago and now she's found it. Do you think we need to be concerned?"

"Well we have an untrained witch on our hands she's going to have to be trained. Where are you all at I will come to help with the training."

"Okay, we are in falls creek, or as we knew it Dagewood. She's come home Roman."

"She found the ring in Dagewood really?"

"Yes, I know that's not good, we couldn't find it here. Under our noses. She could have lived a very different life Ramon. She conjured up some red heels and thought that I had brought them for her. "

"Well what did you say?"
"Well of course I acted like I brought them for her. She was getting ready for a party and that is a whole lot to unpack on Roxi before she went to a party."

"You let her go to a party by herself, she's untrained she could hurt someone."

"Roman calm down, it's not like she even knows that she has powers. Plus I sent Midus to look after her. She doesn't even know that her cat is her familiar."

"Okay well as long as someone is looking over her."

"She is being watched like a hawk and Midus will report back to me if anything were to happen to her."

"Okay, I trust you Marci. I am on my way out there tonight."

"Okay, I love you Roman, just be careful is all I ask."

"I will my love, I will be very careful and get to you in one piece. I love you too mi amour."

Once they hung up Marci went about looking around the house for anything strange. Usually when a young witch gets her powers there is mischief that happens on the first night and Marci didn't know how long Roxanne had the ring. It was time for Marci to do some research on the ring and how fast it releases the witches' powers after she puts it on. It wasn't long before Marci was sent an alert from Midus letting her know how things were going at the party.

From the message that she received everything was going well, Roxanne had met up with a friend at the party. Everything there seemed to be going as good as one could expect.

Roxanne's POV

Getting to the party was fairly easy, the hard part was finding somewhere close to park. Once Roxanne found a parking spot as close to the house as possible she walked up the stairs and into the house. Walking into the party Roxanne was unsure of herself. She hadn't been to a party since she was in college, where she graduated from two years ago. Roxanne was increasingly uncomfortable like she happened to be at most parties. Roxanne was never a big partier when she was in college, her roommate used to drag her out to every party. Once Roxanne was in the party she had to find the very person who had invited her, Tommy. Looking around Roxanne was surprised to see Marni over at the snack table and when she spotted Roxanne she waved her over.

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