Chapter 7 - Best Friends Forever

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I stared at the message like I had been for the past 5 minutes. Marzia had messaged me, saying that she wanted to talk. I knew exactly what it was about. We hadn't talked ever since she confessed that she had a crush on me, which was way before Jack got run over. I hadn't talked to her for years, and she never made an attempt to talk to me. So why was she so desperate to have a conversation now?

I heard footsteps behind me and then from the corner of my eye saw Jack sit down on the couch next to me. He kissed me on the cheek and pulled out his own phone from his pocket.

"Hey babe. What's up?" I sighed and looked over at him. He was on his phone messaging somebody. The conversation seemed pretty serious. It looked like an argument. I couldn't see all of the messages though or the name of the contact because he turned his phone off and looked at me with that usual smile on his face.

"Marzia messaged me." As soon as I said her name the smile dissapeared. He seemed angry. When we first got together he admitted that for a while before we started dating he didn't like Marzia that much because of how she would always flirt with me. He used to get jealous whenever she was around me. He still gets a little jealous whenever she is mentioned.

"Really? Saying what?"

"Saying that she wants to talk."

"What did you say to her?"

"I haven't said anything yet." He nodded slowly and unlocked his phone, going into his contacts. He scrolled down and clicked on one, but I couldn't see the name. He began typing a VERY long message. That's when he moved his hand slightly and saw that he was messaging Marzia.

"What are you gonna say to her?" I asked.

"I'm just gonna politely tell her to fuck off." I put my hand on his phone and snatched it away from him, deleting the message he had not yet sent and closing the tab he was on. I put the phone back in his lap. His arms were folded and he looked at me, seemingly frustrated.

"Calm down. You don't know why she wants to talk to me. She probably doesn't even like me anymore Jack, she most likely just wants to be friends."

"What will you say to her if she does wanna be 'friends'?" He air quoted the word friends.

"I'm gonna say that we can be friends again." He growled and stood up, walking into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes a little. I didn't bother following him. He needed time to cool off.

I began typing a message for Marzia. Not too simple, not too complicated. After quickly skimming it for errors I pressed send.

I never thought you would message me, it's been a while. If you wanna talk then that's ok. What is it you wanna discuss?

Her reply was almost instant.

I want to talk about that argument we had. The night I told you I liked you? Before all the chaos with Jack happened?

What do you want to say about it?

I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting mad when you told me you didn't feel the same way. I realise now that was because you were in love with Jack. I shouldn't have acted the way I did on that night. If I had behaved in a mature manner we would probably still be friends, friends like we were back then. I'm really sorry

She was saying sorry. I wasn't really that shocked. Marzia is most of the time a very kind person, and always rectifys her wrongs, even if it does take her a while to admit that she did something bad.

It's ok. You don't have to apologise, it's fine. And if you want, we can be friends again. Like we were before all the chaos happened

Really? Cuz I'd like that. A lot

Sure. I miss you, you know. Besides from Mark and at the time Jack, you were my best friend

Jack...I forgot. He won't want us to be friends again. He knows about what happened, he's fully aware I had a crush on you. He hates me. He wouldn't want you to welcome me back into your life

I'm sure I can talk it out with him. Sure he can be stubborn and hard to reason with at times, but he'll cave in eventually. He'll come around

Ok, if you really think we're friends again?

Yup :)

Yay. That makes me happy ❤️

Me too ❤️

And then she didn't text me back. Well, now that the making up part was over and done with, now all I had to do was the hardest part.

Reason with Jack.

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