It Is Danger Time, My Dudes

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As soon as Keith gave the order, the brunette started walking back to the village center to avoid him seeing how awfully red he was, due to his compliment.

Had the prince meant he looked attractive or that he danced well? Or that he looked attractive while dancing?
Ah, crap. Why was he blushing? That wasn't like him. Then again, Keith made him act differently than he would with other people. He didn't want to shower him with awful flirting and nonstop jokes, nor he'd try to dazzle him with his skills. He made him feel... different, want to become the best version of himself.

The moment they approached the town a wood platform had been raised at low ground level, and people were already waiting in a line to protest for their rights as people.

"Take this, don't lose it, and stay close," the brunette murmured to the prince's ear, carefully handling him one of the twin daggers he kept on his belt before making his way to melt between the crowd like any good undercover assassin would do.
Would they be considered as assassins after the mission was over? He preferred not to think about it. He really didn't want to kill anyone, but if...  If he had no choice, he would, he had a family to return to.

After a brief talk of introduction people started manifestating their discomfort and experiences with royalty, until a man and a woman walked to the pallet.

And Lance froze. Their uniform was exactly the same the archers had when they chased them out the forest, it had to be them. He glanced at Keith to see if he was aware, and silently wondered how he planned to take them down without weapons. He guessed at least he knew how to use that blade, right...?

The way these people spoke about royalty.. It was definitely disrespectful. But, if the things they told the crowd were true, they had every reason to be.

People had been tortured, killed, ripped from their families, sold into slavery. Keith's father's name was dropped several times, and so were the names of other royal families he knew. But Keith already knew most of these things. He'd seen them.

What he hadn't known were their stories, how they'd received certain punishments. Keith had assumed those who were executed had actually done things wrong. Very few of them had.

He stood nailed to the ground as they spoke of how their families had been murdered for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, for speaking up when they were supposed to be silent.

He lost sight of Lance for a moment, until Lance's eyes found his again and he was woken from his thoughts.

And there they were. Those were definitely the rebels they'd been looking for, their dark uniform recognisable from the last time they'd met.

Keith quickly pulled his hood further over his head. If they saw him, I'd be over. They needed to get close enough to take them out. Any fight they'd lose, since the blades hanging from the rebel's hips were way bigger than the small dagger he now had clenched in his fist. And those guys looked like they knew how to use them. Lance and he would have to move quick, quiet, and invisible.

"We salute you, brothers and sisters, who share this day with us in union for a better place," the younger man on the platform spoke, taking a step forward as the other stayed behind at the side for support - or intimidation, Lance really couldn't tell.

"The great gift of your applause is not for us. No! It is for yourselves. You came here today because of a craving, and a knowledge that the royalty serve us no longer. You came because you crave something new. Something different. We're all here in search of what was robbed from us; integrity, freedom, dignity, our names,-" His tone raised with each word. "-our houses, lands, family, our lives! ...Ourselves."

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