Secrets Pt. II

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(Days later; Midnight - Cont. Narrator's POV)

It had been over ten days since the .EXEs left the prison. It had taken them four days to discover the resistances hideout. However, both have been staking out for the past six days to be wary about any traps and barriers blocking their path. Hiding out in the bushes, RoPo.EXE puts both hands throw the leaves and pushes them apart. Trying to get a good view of the facility,

I knew they weren't going to make this easy, he told himself, Hopefully, Jack comes back with supplies. I would've done it myself but Jack fell asleep in our last stakeout. I'm not trusting him in spying.

After a good five hours, Jack.EXE came back with a large backpack of supplies. He went into the bushes and dropped the bag on the floor. All the supplies dropped out of the bag, making a lot of noise,

"Jack! Don't you know how to be quiet," said RoPo furiously.

"Sorry, ok? Anyway, as you can see: I got crowbars, grenades, and lighters. I also brought more ammo for our guns. I have a feeling that there will be a need for these."

"You said it. This lab is full of them; army guys everywhere. We need to get to the top floor, do you still have that teleportation device with you?"

"Yup comes in handy. Here," Jack was about hand it out to RoPo but he only pushed Jack's hand back. Jack was confused,

"You take it. Go on the roof, I'll cover you from below. Your only mission is to get her, kill a few guys if you will. But I don't want to see her injured. If she is prior to your 'visit', just tell me." Jack nodded and looked up to the roof, it was heavily guarded. Jack looks down at the teleporter,

"Don't you think Stark will realize that we're here if I use the machine?"

"He will, but don't worry. I remember Stark telling me once that he gets alerts for any of his devices exactly three minutes after it's used. So, you'll only have three minutes to take out as many guys as you can and get Angel out of there."

"Won't they see us anyway?"

"Yeah, but they're all stupid. Just kill them and it will all be g." Jack only nodded and pointed teleporter towards the rooftop. With a deep breath, he activated the device and appeared at the roof. His three minutes began, Jack stealthily walked along the walls down into the building. Most of the floors he had visited were only filled with little guards. Jack grabbed his pistol and shot each one.

I need to find the floor with the most guards. RoPo told me it would be the ninth floor.  Just two more floors, just two. Jack looked at his phone, he only had half of two minutes remaining. He put his phone back in his pocket and prepared for a blood bath.



After about a full two minutes of killing and spilling the blood from these pathetic army guys, I get a visit from someone who I really wasn't hoping to be seeing. Cap had guns in his pockets and his shield behind his back. He didn't have his mask on, guessing so that I could get a better look at his ugly ass face. Cap looks at me in the eyes, I look at him as well,

"Your eyes have changed," he said so sternly.

"Glad you noticed, Cap," I don't really have much to do with this guy. I've only sticked to one goal as a .EXE, eliminate my enemies and friends. Frienemines if you will. I aim my sniper at him and he aims his pistol too. We freeze, just one movement, that's all that it takes. If I'm to die, he'll die with me, "Go on. Shoot." I give a wide smile, but Cap also smiles. I'm confused until I looked up, "What the..." A repulser blast came from above. I was really not expecting that after Stark finishes his little gift to me. I look up and see a large crater.

He must have used his repulser chest blast, I tell myself as I try getting up from the crater, Cap jumps down and pins me down. I turn over to him with a nasty look, then all of a sudden he has a syringe in his hand.

Jack.EXE's POV:

Every floor is clear, we'll expect the ninth floor. It had already been three minutes, Stark and the others are now on high alert. I'm just hiding behind a flower, like a tall purple flower. There are a shit load of soldiers here. Just to guard what I presume is Angel's room. I'm running low on ammo, I can only shoot them one at a time. I'm trying to plan something, instead of going for the guards mano a mano, why not go outside the room. I remember seeing large windows, and I don't need to be that loud either. I retreat inside a room next to Angel's and try my best to break the glass without getting anyone's attention.

This is going to work better than I hope, I say to myself as I climbed to the other window to my left. I did the same thing, I had a laser in my pocket and I just laser my way in. No one saw me coming, not even Angel. I drop to the floor, making little noise. I pull out a syringe with a tranquilizer and slowly make my way to Angel. She then sees me and I immediately stab her right in the neck. It hit quick, Angel laid on the floor, all knocked out. The guards heard too, so I grab her body and make my way towards my exit.

"Mission success," I said with enthusiasm. I was able to get a glimpse of where I believe to be where RoPo entered. My theory was proven correctly, but no in a good way. They too knocked out RoPo and Stark had him all chained up. He wasn't moving, it made me want to get him but he wouldn't want that. I just up and ran away with Angel's body. After she's infected, we'll come back for RoPo. Then, nothing will stop us...


Hoi! So, I'm sorry this took so long to get done. I wasn't as motivated as I wanted to be. But it's done so, ye. Anyway, I just want to give a heads up for those who are joining my contest. Yeah, the deadline is approaching to move fast. Anyway, I'll do my best to get the next chapter out but...

I hope you have a good day or night, I'm going to sleep because is almost twelve thirty in the morning. I'm tired, some of you may be awake or sleeping, idk. Probably. Anyway, I'm a go and leave you alone.


PS: This chapter may be crap due to the fact I was writing it while verte tired.

Hatred Virus: EXE InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now