Broken Truth

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(Inside his mind; RoPo's POV))

"Shit! Again with these chains."

"I mean, that's what you deserve for trying to infect everyone."

"You really don't know, you idiot." I gasp, but I have to agree with him there.

"Why are you even infecting the world? And why do you want to infect the multiverse?"

"..." He didn't think I'd know, but I didn't think I'd know either.

"Come on, tell me. It's not like it'll help you in any way."

"You humans are so pathetic. Dirty and unorganized. Why do you think I infect everyone, RoPo?"

"Thirst for human blood. You like don't have anything I do."

"No! That's not it!" I laugh at his sudden rage, but I'm actually curious to hear his response.

"Then, tell me!" There was a long pause, I don't know if he's trying to find the right words of something.

"Humans need to be balanced..."

(Real-world time; Cont. RoPo's POV)

I wake up with a jolt, I don't know what happened. I'll tell you that my head hurts so much. My vision becomes clear after a while, I see medical equipment everywhere. Then, I finally realized,

I'm... I'm cured! Oh, this great! Now it all be easy to take the rest of the .EXEs. I'm so excited, I've missed myself actually. But, I can't move. I try to get up from the bed but I'm connected by so many machines. Now I wonder what was happening in here. I try to piece together to solve the puzzle and something else hit me. Though it wasn't the answer, no even a clue.

"... I need to go." All of a sudden, I have a desperate urge to use the bathroom. Why now?! I try screaming to get someone's attention. I just hope I don't scare them.

After a while, I hear the door slide open. I look out to see who it was. I couldn't wait! It was Dr. Zendong.

Narrator's POV:

After explaining his situation, Dr. Zendong temporary disconnected RoPo from the machines. RoPo quickly jumped up and ran out the door, stopped and ran back the room.

"Uhh, where's the bathroom?" He asks nervously.

"Third door on your left," she said with a bit of laughter. RoPo thanked her and ran down the left side of the hallway to the restroom.

After he finished, he headed back to the room he was in before. However, he stopped after hearing some chatter,

Wonder what could it be, he said as he walked towards the chattering. He didn't want to be caught snitching so he hid behind the door and listen.

"What do you mean you can't sit down?!" Yelled Cap at Stark.

"We need to save her. Who knows how much destruction can come our way if we don't!"

Who the hell are they talking about? Asked RoPo to himself as he continued to listen.

"Both of you need to stop!" Yelled Alex, "Fighting isn't going to help any of us!" Alex had tears in his eyes, so did everyone else.

"Let's go get her, he won't see us coming!" Yelled Stark again.

"No! Your always so reckless, Stark. We need to wait and formulate a plan."

"Look, Cap. She's our most valuable person here. She can help us!" RoPo so badly wanted to go inside and stop the fighting. But he couldn't move, he was frozen in place. Tears filled his eyes, he didn't like anyone fighting with one another.

Hatred Virus: EXE InfectionWhere stories live. Discover now