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ROSE STARED IN SHOCK AS THE TARDIS DEMATERIALISES WITH LINDSEY INSIDE, "No." she whispered, running up to the spot where the TARDIS once was, "No... no."

"Rose." Mickey placed his hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off.

"She took the... She stole it!" Rose shrieked.

"Where's Lindsey?" Mickey asked.

Rose whipped her head around towards her boyfriend, "She was in the Tardis." she snapped, "The Doctor made us go home but she... She took it."

Mickey frowned, "You don't know what happened in there, Rose. Maybe it wanted to take her back to her home."

"No, the Doctor said that she'd have to say here, it wouldn't have taken her home." She snapped, feeling annoyed that her boyfriend was defending another woman.

"Rose let's just go." Mickey said, "There's nothing you can do. Lindsey might be heading to save the Doctor for all we all."

Rose clenched her fists, "I should be the one to save the Doctor!" she snapped before running off in the direction of her home.

Mickey casts one last look at where the TARDIS once stood before running off after his ex.

· ━━━━━ ·⚘· ━━━━━ ·

Two hundred thousand years in the future, "Lindsey, I've called up the internal laser codes." the Doctor heard Jack call from the comm, making him look up from his work, "There should be a different number on every screen. Can you read them out to me?"

"She's not here." the Doctor replied, ignoring the feeling he was getting in his hearts for sending Lindsey away.

"Of all the times to take a leak." Jack sighed, "Rose can you do it."

The Doctor sighed, "She's not here either."

"Seriously, well when either of them gets back, tell them to read me the codes."

"They're not coming back." the Doctor told him, looking up at the comm while still working.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked, confused, "Where'd they go?"

"Just get on with your work." the Doctor muttered.

There was a brief pause before Jack asked, "You took them home, didn't you?"

"Yeah." the Doctor replied.

"You know Lindsey can't go back to her own timeline!" Jack snapped, glaring at the Doctor. "Everyone believes that she is dead, don't you think that would do more damage to her than good."

"Do you think I don't know that!" the Doctor snapped, "I sent her to Rose's time, it was the only safe place to send her."

"You shouldn't have sent her with Rose, haven't you noticed that Rose hates Lindsey!"

Shatter Me ━━ 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now