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"Let's get one thing straight, love. If anyone is going to be inspiring anyone, it's going to be me."

I daringly tilted my gaze from the chipped wood of the severely dented table, to be met with striking forest green eyes yet again.

A smug expression was evidentially settled on the man's face, one eyebrow quirked up as if waiting for an unprepared response. He was intimidating in various ways; his presence alone was enough to make me keel over on the ground in cowardice.

"Sir, I am mainly here to listen. You can at least vent to me about anything or...something." I timidly defend my case, not entirely sure as to what I'm even saying.

After all, I was given no thorough explanation as to what I supposed to be doing here so listening seems like a pretty standard thing to do.

The man simply scoffs at my words, exhaling a breath from between his plump and noticeably pink lips.

He fumbles around in the pocket of his trousers before pulling out a silver-plated lighter along with a rather clearly well loved packet of camel cigarettes. I didn't even think the criminals were allowed to possess lighters whilst contained but this establishment was surely not exactly a typical prison.

I watch the man's actions fixedly, noticing the careful selection of the cigarette followed by the flick of the lighter with the fluency of his thumb. I even watched the way he cupped his hands around the flame almost protectively as he lit the drug. He was beyond a doubt a heavy smoker and interestingly I was mesmerised by the simple actions, completely in a trance as the glow of the flame illuminated his features, drafting shadows in the hollows and concaved areas of his well defined face.

After a moment of my rather embarrassing doe-eyed gawking at the man, he pulled his hands away from his face, throwing the lighter down sloppily on the obviously abused table.

The cigarette balanced comfortably between the plush flesh of his upper and plump bottom lip, white teeth peeking out from behind. He inhaled deeply before removing the vessel from his mouth and exhaling a thick plume of smoke as he sat back in the standard wooden chair.

I had observed people smoke before but only from a far. Usually, I would uncontrollably twist my features up in disgust at the habit but there was a certain intriguing quality about the man and his ignited companion that made me not care about the grotesque stench that wafted lazily in the stale air.

Suddenly, his striking gaze met mine causing a pulse of heat to begin to stain my cheeks. I was undoubtedly caught ogling at the man whilst he was simply trying to enjoy a common cigarette and I was surely embarrassed.

Again, I cowered away from his powerful view by readjusting my focus back on the vandalised tabletop. Not a moment had passed when I heard an amused chuckle from the man as I cautiously peeked up at the stranger.

A superior smile was tauntingly pulled into shape on his lips as he held the cigarette between his teeth and his green eyes were apparent with amusement.

With an alien rush of bravery, I straightened by back and narrowed my eyes at him ever so slightly.

Who exactly does this criminal think he is to patronise me when I am the one who has committed a lack of a crime?

The intensity of his stare could have compounded diamonds into nothing but ash and melted gold into molten metal simply with a single look. However, I withstood it nonetheless and especially to my own surprise.

His smug smile diluted as he noticed what I was absentmindedly doing. I was competing with him in possibly the most childish way possible, a staring contest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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