Chapter 10

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I was sleeping when suddenly the air pressure in my room changed. I bolted up and I saw this large shadowy thing in my room. I tried to yell out but my voice was gone. All form of anything making sound was gone. Not even the clock tick on the wall could be heard. It grabbed me by the throat, it's hand feeling like ice on my skin. I grabbed it and snapped the hand back, the bone breaking, protruding through its black flesh. Yet, I couldn't hear the snap of the bone or a cry of pain.

I then tackled it to the ground. It threw me off and my back slammed into the wall. I dodged out of the way when it leaped at me. I threw one of the spare nightstands at it, it broke when it hit the thing, yet it didn't slow the thing down. It then held up a large needle. I grabbed one of the spare beds and tried using it like a javelin and try to make the thing crash out of the window. It became a thing of mist, that the bed went right through. The mist began to eat the bed, and I dropped it as it fell into ashes. What the hell was this thing? It tried to grab me again but I moved out of the way. Once it was fully solid, I ran at it, fist raised. It couldn't keep up with the speed I was going, allowing my fist to make contact with it. However, the force of the blow was absorbed then directed back at me. I flew back into one of the closet doors, breaking it in half. I struggled to my feet, my body screaming in agony. I couldn't hear anything, so I doubted anyone could hear the fight going on either.

I need to get out of here. I ran for the door but it appeared in front of it. I turned and ran for the window. This thing was made of shadows, maybe it will be stopped by the sunlight.

When I slammed right into it, I knew I was wrong. Shit. I pushed back from it quickly. I grabbed another nightstand, aiming for the door. I threw as hard as I could. It bounced off of a force field of some kind. It bounced around like a bullet shot in a metal container until it broke into pieces. I was running out of ideas.

I noticed my phone on the floor not far from the bathroom. I made a run for it. I don't over my bed and snatched up the phone as I rolled to my feet before scrambling to the bathroom. I got the door shut just in time. I pressed my back into it. I typed quickly to Batair.

Me: SOS!!

Before I could hit send it broke down the door, sending me into the floor, the door and the thing on top of me. My phone had slid to some part of the bathroom. I pushed up against the floor throwing it off easily. I ran to my bedroom door, but it grabbed me. I struggled against its hold but I froze when I felt the prick of the needle in my neck. I then lost all ability to move. I could see and think, but I couldn't move or blink.

It then walked out with me over its shoulder through my bedroom door. No one was around to see us. In the common room, I noticed Gin, unconscious by the door. Shit.

Move damn it. I have to move. I'm not some damsel in distress. I'm a Warrior, Gods damn it. The sunlight was blinding but I couldn't close my eyes to shield them. I almost forgot what the world looked like during the day. It took me off campus to the nearby cemetery where High Priest Sonya, Captain Roark, Head Healer Angela, and Professor Cho were all buried.

It took me to a mausoleum that had Serenity, the Angel of Death, on either side of the door. Her blindfold made her blind so that she couldn't make a judgment based off of appearance. She listened to the heart of the spirit before her. It was how she determined if you went to heaven or hell.

The thing carried me inside where a stone coffin lay in the center. With a flick of the thing's hand, it moved, revealing a set of stone stairs under it. As it took me down, the coffin moved to cover the stairs. I was officially trapped down here.

I tried moving my body, but it was no use. I was as stiff as a nail. Is this how it's gonna end for me? No, it can't. Not this way. I have so much I need to do.

I was placed against a wall and stakes were stabbed through my palms. I couldn't scream out the agony I was feeling. It then walked around, humming some kind of chant or something. The room began to emit a low glow. This was gonna get bad. Move, damn it.

Suddenly my right fingers moved. Gods it hurt so much. MY FINGERS MOVED! Hell yeah, time to do something. I moved my fingers some more, and I noticed I could touch it. I gripped it with my fingers tightly. I would've smiled if I could when it cracked. I let go, leaving it only cracked. I tried the rest of my body. I realized a could move my left foot and I could wiggle my nose. If I got all of my movement back, then I could go all out down here. I held back in the House of Warriors, scared if I used too much strength I would cause the entire dorm to collapse like I did the mountain. Here, it was just us and I didn't have to worry about hurting anyone innocent. I just worried about how much time I had, was it minutes or hours?

Another question is, why me? I wasn't some special ranking officer like the four of them were. Then again, my presence alone could spell trouble for whoever was responsible for their deaths. Azazel said it himself, I was here for a reason. I refuse to die before I know what that reason is.

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