I'm Used To It

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Tw: homophobic slurs

Eddie had never been so happy yet so afraid. He was walking along side his personal angel, Richie Tozier, heading into a town to meet more people. His mom would lose her shit if she knew what he was doing, but the promise of a day of freedom was too exciting and tempting.

Richie had been telling Eddie all about himself and Eddie gladly listened. He wanted to know everything about Richie, and Richie seemed more than happy to tell him.

Stan walked on Eddie's other side, listening along. He seemed nice, definitely more strict and serious than Richie, but nice as well. He had been kind to Eddie so far, filling him in if Richie said something that Eddie didn't seem to understand.

They walked through the wooded area, Eddie glancing around in both fear and excitement. He was always weird about germs because of his mom, but knew it was all a mind trick.

The woods were beautiful, their green leaves making Eddie smile. The sun leaked through the trees, illuminating the path they were taking. It was all beautiful, until a twig snapped behind them, making all three turn around in confusion.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" asked a boy that Eddie obviously had never met before. He had a blond mullet, an evil look in his eyes, and was followed by three other boys.

"Shit," Richie whispered.

It was then that Eddie knew they weren't safe. Richie seemed fearless and was always joking around. If he was scared of these guys, there was no way that anything good would come of it.

"Never seen you around here, before," the leader said, eyes fixed on Eddie.

Richie pushed his way in front of Eddie, followed by Stan. They kept him hidden from the other group, who all looked displeased.

"Trying to protect him, Tozier? What's he, your fag boyfriend?" the boy asked, laughing.

"Fuck off, Bowers," Richie snarled, moving one of his arms behind his back to grab Eddie's hand. He ran his thumb over the back of Eddie's shaky hand, trying to reassure him.

"I think you're forgetting your place, Tozier. A fuck up like you doesn't get to say whatever they want to me and get away with it," the boy growled, stepping closer.

"We should run," Stan whispered to Richie.

"Obviously, dickhead. I don't know if Eds can keep up, though. He has asthma," Richie snapped, backing up as the gang closed in on them.

Eddie heard them talking and felt terrible. If Richie or Stan got hurt trying to help him, he'd never forgive himself.

"Don't worry," Eddie murmured. "I'm used to getting my ass kicked."

"Eds-" Richie started, but was cut off by Eddie pushing past him and running directly at the gang, slamming a weak fist into the leader's chest.

It obviously didn't hurt him, but diverted their attention, giving Richie and Stan the opportunity to run.

Eddie followed them, the gang gaining on him. He saw a clearing in the woods, meaning he was close to the town, but as he almost broke through it, he felt a rough hand close over his arm, throwing him to the ground.

"I don't think we've met, fag," the boy said, holding Eddie to the ground, towering over him. "I'm Henry, and I run this town."

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