Chapter 28

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Erika's pov

but it didn't. he slides in way to hard and i wince in pain.

then a miracle happened. the door gets broken down.

Jake's pov

can't believe it. it's already past 15 minutes i bet amanda already called the cops. i find the place and run out my car. i try opening the door but it's locked. i put my head on the door to see if i can hear anything. i hear someone wincing. oh hell no.

here goes nothing. i kick the door down. and she that noah is raping erika. my heart dropped and my face lit up with anger.

i run and tackle him.


i punch his face.


i kept punching and punching him. i'm gonna kill him.


i then stop. i look back and erika's tied up with mascara all over face from crying.

J: erika !

i get up and run to her. and i kiss her. i was breathing heavily.

J: baby i'm sooo sorry

i kiss her again

E: jake..

i cut her off and kiss her. she kisses back.

E: i love you so much

J: i love you so much to babygirl

i untie her.

and then cops show up with guns. Erika flinches. i look at her and her face.

J: oh no

she looks at me. very scared. i help her put her clothes on and i sit there. she sits on top of me and i'm holding her.

J: i'm so sorry erika i shouldn't have -

she turns her head around and kisses me.

E: baby we'll t-t-talk a-a-about this l-l-later

i sigh.

J: okay baby

the cops come and they start questioning us. surprisingly i didn't get put into handcuffs. i was gonna kill him. but i heard an angel voice that stopped me. the love of my life.

after we were done talking we went back home.

we got home and she took a shower. once she was done i was sitting at the table waiting for her to come so we can talk.

she finally finishes and i walk to her and hug her. she starts crying into my shoulder.

J: there there it's okay erika your safe

we walked to the couch and i sat down. she sat on my right lap facing me.

E: Jake i am so sorry

J: why are you saying sorry i should be apologizing

E: no.. noah said you were cheating and i didn't believe him but he had proof. i didn't believe him but i just.. i don't know

J: it's okay and i thought you didn't love me no more

E: why

J: cause he said that you like "over me" and that you guys were gonna talk at starbucks

E: oh... you seen me with him

i nod.

J: and i seen him leaning in and i just couldn't.. i couldn't bare watching the love of my life kiss someone else -

E: i didn't kiss him.. i pulled away before his lips touched me

J: you did?

she nods.

J: well i'm sorry to erika.. i should've texted you and you probably would've never went to his house

E: it's not your fault

J: yes it is

E: no it's not okay

J: yes it -

she cuts me off by kissing me.

E: it's not your fault okay

J: but -

E: jake

J: fine

we kiss.

E: i love you and let's make a pact

J: what is it

E: let's never let someone get between us ever again and let's always talk to each other first before we start jumping to any conclusions

J: okay

i spit on my hand.

E: ew

J: come on you gotta

E: fine

she spits on her hand.

i go in for a handshake and she flinches. that made mad and sad.

E: s-sorry

we shake hands.

J: don't say sorry please

E: okay

J: don't be scared of me either erika i would never hurt you

E: i know but -

J: but nothing baby i love you

we kiss

E: i love you too

she yawns.

E: can we go to bed already.. i've had a long day

J: sure let's go to sleep

E: okay

we lay in bed. it was still early. i'm gonna wait till she falls asleep and imma make sure that son of bitch goes to jail for life.

30 minutes later.

she's out.

i get up and drive to the police station. i talk to one of the police officers.

J: officer i need this guy in jail for life

Officer: were trying our best to give him a long sentence

J: what's the minimum right now

O: uh 5 years

J: hell no he needs way more than that he raped my girlfriend... he lied... officer my girl flinches

O: what do you mean

J: we were gonna shake hands and she flinched... officer he abused my girlfriend and she is now traumatized

O: thank you for this information.. i'll see if it will make his sentence longer

J: thank you so much and if it is a short sentence make sure he's far from here

O: will do

J: thank you officer

O: your welcome

i leave the police station and go back home. i feel a tad bit better. i need to get back to my baby though.

i see her still on the bed sleeping. i smile knowing she's safe. i change into basketball shorts and no shirt. i lay down and stretch out my arm. erika comes and lays on it and i hug her. ahhh this feels good. i don't have to worry about that guy noah no more.

soon i feel asleep with my thoughts.

ahhh keep reading

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