The Last

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I woke up one day. It was a different and weird day.

My left leg was missing and my family were a lot older. My mother was nowhere to be seen but Nii-chan said that she was in another hospital.

I was curious if she was hurt but didn't bother asking. She was a grown woman. She could take care of herself.

In the other hand, dad was more busy than I remembered. Truth to be told, I still felt confused and overwhelmed by all the sudden change but Nii-chan said not to worry.

I try not to but being alone leaves me thinking.

Fuyumi-nee and Natsuo-nii visits me a lot. Natsuo-nii visits everyday. I don't say it out loud but it is actually starting to get annoying, specially when he feels the need to talk about meaningless things I have no interest about. I'd be grateful if he shuts up and kept me company like that. I only needed to feel the presence of someone to feel less lonely. I didn't need annoyance.

Dad and Shoto were great examples for that. They were there but didn't bother me. They did their own thing while I did my own.

Today none of my family were here to visit. My dad was busy with his hero stuff, Fuyumi and Natsuo were busy with their own social life and Nii-chan was in the dorm.

It was strange how life had changed in one day for me. At times like this, I would be bored and would turn on the tv.

The news was about the recuperation of the Ice Tsunami Incident caused by a villain called Kaonashi. His quirk was apparently ice based and he was able to use crazy amounts of it without straining himself.

He also opened a new chapter of uniting villains and heroes for a moment and opened a path for strayed villains to society.

I was amazed but also greatly saddened that such villain had died. He was a hero to the villains looking for positive future. He helped those who really needed help.

I really looked up to him.

As I watched the television and watched the reporter document fire type heroes and community service civilians melt the ice, I gripped my hand and willed ice to glitter out.

Nothing happened.

This was the biggest change in my life. My quirk was gone and along with it, my sickness was also gone. I didn't feel as cold as before. I finally understood what warmth from being in my comfy blankets was. Sometimes it was too warm for my liking. The doctors had said that my body was trying to regulate temperature since I only used to be cold.

It was weird. I didn't need Nii-chan nor dad to help me warm up. It was a good thing but I couldn't help but feel like I had lost a part of me.

Having enough of Kaonashi's news, I switched to another channel. I was about to switch again until I heard some nurses whisper to each other. The door was slightly ajar.

"His arms are gone."

"... won't let anybody touch him."


"Let's.... reful. He is dangerous."

From the conversation, I could gather that there was a dangerous person in the hospital.

That person had arrived few days ago and would not eat or let anyone touch them. What interested me the most was that he was missing his arms because I was missing my leg.

I hadn't known until today.

Pushing my body up and getting into my wheelchair, I left my room with the TV still turned on.

"It's been a week since the battle of Overhaul and apparently, he was admitted into the same hospital as Hero Endeavor's youngest son. The hospital has a high security system with sidekicks acting as security and passing heroes taking a look before continuing their rounds. Hero Endeavor, himself, goes most of the time to ensure the security..."


Peeking his head in the room from the desolate hallway, I wheeled myself in after making sure it was okay to go in.

The patient inside was laying on the bed and was a male. His arms were bandaged and his legs were cuffed to the bed. He looked very thin and pale. Sickly. He also looked very unkept.

Was it because he had not eaten anything? Maybe he had not even bathed?

I pushed my wheels but they were stuck. It felt like someone was preventing me from moving forward. Dumbfounded, I looked behind me and found a man, black hair and turquoise eyes, stitches and purple wrinkled skin, was holding onto my wheelchair.

"Who're you?"

The man smiled. Affection... filled his gaze towards me. He reminded me of that villain I met and ate with.

"You shouldn't be here."

He pulled me out of my room and started to wheel me to the crowded area.


"He is dangerous and also the nurses are looking for you. They already contacted your brother."

Now that was bad news. Shoto was very sensitive these days. I had promised Shoto that I wouldn't leave my room without someone with me...

I turned back to thank the man but he was nowhere to he seen. Well that was weird?



"What do you mean by that sound?! You are not allowed out of your room without an escort!"

Blah blah blah. I made a face at the nurse scolding me. She sighed as she went behind me to push my wheelchair.

"I am not even going to start going over the rules with you. Your brother will do that for me since he is waiting in your room."

A shudder ran down my spine. Shoto was here already? That fast?

For some reason, I wanted to avoid going back to my room. Something told me that something grave was waiting behind that door but I couldn't tell the nurse. She would laugh at me. Yeah, it must be my imagination. It had to be.

The nurse opened the door. Shoto was sitting on my bed with his fingers lacing each other. His eyes held no humor nor soul. A felt my stomach drop. Was this really my brother?

The nurse rolled me in before leaving and closing the door. It was silent. I didn't dare to break the silence. It was as if the silence was broken then a dam would break. I definitely wanted the silence, even if it felt like eternity.


A gulped my fear down.

"Welcome back."

My fear crawled back up.

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