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Taeyong pov

I'm sitting on the couch; my hands are shaking.
I don't know what to say. I don't know how to say it.

It'll be the first time I talk about being bullied. A lot of people secretly know it, but I never truly admitted it. I never asked help too, too scared of consequences.

While I explain all to him, I can feel him softly drawing circles with the thumb of his left hand on my back.

I feel my anxiety slowly disappearing.
I explain all to him.
When, how and why.

I know he can't help me, but I feel relieved to finally say it to someone.

When I finish, I let hot tears rolling on my cheeks.

Johnny, who didn't say a word since I started to explain,
takes me in his arms.

My eyes widen at the forgotten feeling.

And I do something I'll never think I was possible to, I hug Johnny back.
I put my head on his right shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist, exactly like he does on me.

I missed this feeling so much.

It been a while since someone hugged me.

«I want to help you Taeyong.»
He says sincerely.

I look at his eyes. At this moment, I don't see pity or disgust in his eyes.

What I see is pure compassion.

«You don't know it yet since I'm new in school, but my parents and I have a lot of impact.
I can protect you Taeyong.»

«Why would you protect me Johnny?»

«Because I want to.
Because I see that you deserve better than this.»

And without thinking I just rush to hug him again, clinging harder to him.

«How are you going to protect me?»
I ask softly, still in his arms.

«I'm going to think about it tonight, I'll tell you tomorrow.»

After he finishes his sentence, I look at his eyes trying to find what emotion he feels. I see don't see bad intentions in him.

«Do you want to cuddle while watching a movie?»
Johnny asks me, releasing his embrace.

«I'd love to.»

And for the first time, I wasn't scared.

Johnny's not going to hurt me.

Johnny will help me.

Maybe Johnny is what I needed in my life.

I take his hand, leading him to my room.

Maybe Johnny will be the one to save me?



here's the new chapter!
since now i'm going to upload every Wednesday and Sunday.
twice a week!

i hope you still like my story...

next chapter this sunday, please look forward to it!

- 𝔃𝓪𝓬𝓴

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 - 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now