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"Son, we are close to the border. We are in two cars. Mine and Anna-Lynn's. Can you let the guards know, please." My father mind-links waking me up.

"Okay, but can you explain what you are doing with them?"

"Later. Anna-Lynn knows for Alistair. She is going right to the hospital."What?!?

I get up and start to get dress. I mind-link Jake and the guards to tell them to let them pass. I don't want to risk that Anna-Lynn refused to help me.

"Where are you going?" Nora asks me with a sleepy voice.

"Something happens but nothing bad. I think. Go to sleep, I will let you know." I say. I kiss her on her forehead before leaving.

I walk towards the hospital. They will need at least 15 minutes to arrive at the hospital so I have time. I will be there in 10 minutes. I wish I could turn in y wolf and run. I miss it... My wolf is enormous, bigger than everyone even my father. He is a beautiful midnight blue. Nora's wolf is grey. She is so beautiful. When she arrived she used to be afraid of him, because of what Markus did to her. It pained both of us to see her running away every time we were crossing past for the first year she was here. Now when you see us together it's the opposite, we are always playing and she loves to bite my ears... Which could be annoying when Aiden is teasing about it.

Suddenly I hear a sports car in distance. Well, it's arriving pretty fast. That should be Anna-Lynn's car. It's not the same Alpha Darius brought last time. Not it's black R8. Is this one is her too? How many cars does she have? A few meters behind I see my father pick up. Anna-Lynn gets out from walking straight to the hospital doors.

"Hey, where are you going?"

She just ignores me and keeps walking towards the east wing. It's like she knows exactly where she is going. She stops at the pharmacy and enters. A few seconds later she is out and keeps walking towards Alistair's room. When I enter myself I'm surprised to see my Mother sleeping on a chair.

"You're fools. What did you do? Don't you see you are killing him! She almost screams having difficulty containing her anger. That wakes my mother suddenly.

"He was bewitched we are just helping him."

"You are so stupid!" she says with a cold laugh that makes me shiver. What's happening to me.

"I mind-linked Aiden, he is outside ready to take action if needed. " I hear my father says in my head.

"No, tell him to wait for us in the pack house, please?"


"How did you try to broke the spell?" Anna-Lynn asks but Nobody answer.

"How?" She screams her voice full of authority that makes the three of us jump.

"Nora she can enter people's minds." Says my mother.

"Let me guess, to be able to enter someone's mind, she needs to make him drink her blood." She says looking at my father. He pales. "Still doubting my theory now?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask her, worry about my father's reaction.

Once again she just ignores me.

"Time to wake him up." She whispers taking out a syringe that she pegs in his heart.

Suddenly he growls and starts to wake up. In a few seconds, he is on his feet and he grabs her by her neck. His eyes are black, his wolf is in control. He slaps her on the wall.

"Don't make me you summit! I am here to help. And we are friends Al!" She tells him difficultly looking in his eyes.

She is crazy he is an Alpha wolf. And the human side has not control now. He lets her go. She coughs a few times before looking at him again.

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