13. A Saiyan ?

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'WTF JUST HIT THAT HIT WAS RIDICULOUS!!?' Izuku couldn't stand up for some time his whole body hurt just from that one punch to the jaw.

"How disappointing.....I thought that when you have Ultra Instinct you could had easily dodge a punch like that but I was wrong. So Ultra Instinct is not that allmighty.....you are too slow to use it as it best also I see you can only use the omen form not the mastered *heavy sigh* this will be a pain in the ass....." The voice said again.

'Omg who TF is that and how did he get in and who is the small guy with the spike hair behind him in some assweird Spandex and Armor ?!' He still couldn't describe what he witnessed. Izuku was far away so he couldn't see much but he saw two guys.

A thin muscly purple guy with ears and a mouth like from a cat and he looked like some Egypt god. He had some God of destruction features.

The other guy was rarely small and had spiky black hair. He wears some grey Spandex and a Armor Kind of thing ? Also had white big gloves and boots with some Armor as well.

"W-who *cough* are you guys *whipping some blood away from his mouth*" the guys began to introduce themselves.

"I am Beerus God of destruction and you hopefully give me some respect or I will destroy you."
Now the smaller guy started to speak " Hmph! I'm Vegeta the king of all Saiyans... Well the remaining few Saiyan as well you are, my son." Izuku first was scared because the way the purple guy spoke about being a God and the pressure he submitted. But was curious what a Saiyan actually is and if it's true if the guy is really his father.

" Ehmm....okay.....Can I ask a few questions ? " " Shoot " said Vegeta and Beerus levitated above the ground and relaxed as he drank a smoothie.

1. Is he really a God.
2. Are you really my Father ? Because i would like you to approve it.
3. How did you get in here ?
4. What is a Saiyan ?
And last but not least.
5. What do you want ?"

Vegeta got a smirk of kind and Beerus got a bit mad " I AM A GOD !!!!" He screamed sending a strong pressure in all ways and purple aura that screamed anger Frome's around him. " Bills-sama please I beg calm down don't ruin this !" Said Vegeta begging him to calm down as he did with a tch.

1. He is really a God.
2. I am your Father I married a second and last time a half human half angel named Inko Midoriya as she was a woman different but somehow the same as my last she died sadly. We gave you the name Midoriya because Brief is a uncommon lastname. I am also know as Vegeta Midoriya now
3. It's for us to know and for you to wonder.
4. A Saiyan is a pride species also called the warrior race to its fighting spirit it holds. We have a different autonomy than humans.

We are extremely durable we can hold our breath average for around 30 minutes when we not trained enough. We can if we focus enough Ki, swim in lava.
Also we can't breath in space but we can breath normal even when we only near the stratosphere. We don't age any further from age of around 20 until the age of 80. Our hair never grows longer than it should with beginning by our birth. When we are beated near death we will came out even stronger than before. Called a zenkai boost. Also we can go a Superform 1-4 different, a legendary rare form and 2 god forms.

5. I wanted to see my son but you're kind of disappointing also I wanted to train you. And Bills-sama here also wanted to see after you a bit because a friend of him your grandfather motherly sides wanted to."

That was heavy to take in firts his mother is half angel. His dad an alien and a king. He meets a actual god and he's a quarter human and angel and half a Saiyan. WOW!!!! Just WOW!!!

"...............*Heavy sigh* I guess......I guess I have to believe you everything. So you said you're here to train me? Then shoot."

2 Weeks later~

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