Episode 15 Would You Rather!? Edition

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"RADS,RWBY,Braun and Penny play Would You Rather!?"

At RADS dorm

RADS filming the video of them along with the others

Dean:Ok is this on here?

Weiss:Yea is still on Dean.

Dean:Is still recording?


Roman:Now guys we gonna recording this for our first video of our youtube channel.


Seth:Right the camera starts in 3,2,1 now.*start recording*

Roman:Hello everyone and welcome to our first video of our channel.

Ruby:And today video is RADS and RWBY play Would You Rather!? Along with our guest Braun and Penny.

Braun:Hey everyone.


Roman:Before we get started let's ourselves my name Roman Reigns the big dog along my teammates AJ Styles,Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins.

AJ:Hey guys The Phenomenal AJ Styles is here to ready.

Dean:Sup guys i'm Dean Ambrose.

Seth:Yo i'm Seth Freakin' Rollins in the house baby!

Roman:Along with our girlfriends Team RWBY.

Ruby:Hello i'm Ruby Rose nice to meet you.

Weiss:Greetings i'm Weiss Schnee nice to meet you.

Blake:Sup i'm Blake Belladonna.

Yang:And i'm Yang Xaio Long everyone!

Roman:And togerher we gonna play Would You Rather!?

Ruby:Mhmm...so we gonna do 5 questions of the game.

Roman:Ok let's start boys and girls?

Everyone:We're ready Roman.

Roman:Ok let's start ok first "Would You Rather!? The Hardcore Championship or The 24/7 Championship?"

Ruby:Hmm...i don't know it's to choose it i will go the 24/7 one because of R-Truth give his nickname of the title*laugh*this is hilarious.

Seth:I preety the 24/7 R-Truth is the best champion all time than the others.

Dean:Well i pick the Hardcore Championship it's way better the green one.

Roman:I don't need either both championship.

Braun:Same here.

Blake:So let's pick the 24/7 one.

Roman:Ok.*click the 24/7 championship*

Hardcore Championship 37% vote
24/7 Championship 63% vote

Blake:Wow damn 63% votes.

Ruby:Well R-Truth did that.

Dean:Yea thanks R-Truth.

Weiss:Ok next one is hmm...would you rather a cookie or a pancake?


Seth:*chuckles*She loves cookies alright.

Dean:I don't like pancakes since at Roman's birthday.


Braun:Well i like pancakes too but cookies is way better than pancakes.

Roman:Well Nora likes pancakes and same as The New Day.

Blake:Of course.

Yang:I vote for Ruby cookies.

AJ:Let's find out shall we Roman?

Roman:Sure.*click the cookie vote*

Cookie 47%
Pancake 63%

Ruby:WHAT!? Pancake oh come on why not cookie there are my precious snacks NOT pancake!!!

Seth:Woah,woah,woah calm down Ruby it's just a game ok.

Ruby:Ok Sethy.

Dean:Ok next is this...oho,ho,oh look at this would you rather is Cardin is a jackass or Cardin is a sparkle crotch.

Ruby and Dean start laughing that question

Yang:What the fuck is this.*laugh*

Penny:Seriously!? Who made this question.*giggles*

Seth:Probably the fans vote the question.*chuckles*

Ruby:Awesome question 10 out of 10.*laugh*

Braun smile

Seth:Ok calm down Ruby.

Ruby:*stop laughing*Ok,ok i stop Sethy.


Roman:Hmm...i gonna pick the sparkle crotch.

Ruby:Yes pick it now!

Roman:Ok Ruby.*click the Cardin is a sparkle crotch*

Cardin is a jackass 45%
Cardin is a sparkle crotch 55%

Penny:Two more questions to go guys.

AJ:Ok,how about this one would you rather The Undertaker is a Deadman or The Undertaker is an American Badass?

Ruby:Ooohhh the legendary wrestler in WWE.

Penny:Hmm...i think the deadman is pretty for him.

Dean:Nah i like the American Badass one.

Yang:Same with Dean.

Braun:I prefer the deadman.

Blake:Hmm....i vote the deadman instead.

AJ:Hmm...neither these two.

Roman:Beats me.

Ruby:So Roman who do you pick?

Roman:The american badass it's good but i prefer the deadman instead.*click The Undertaker is a Deadman*

The Undertaker is a Deadman 75% vote
The Undertaker is a American Badass 25%

Roman:Nailed it.

Penny:Ok last one,would you rather flip the tank or flip the airplane?

Ruby:Hmm...the airplane is heavier than the tank.

Seth:I agree with her.


Yang:I like the tank gonna to flip over it.*laugh*

Roman:Good choice Yang.

AJ:Or maybe Braun can flip any vechiles.

Braun nod

Roman:Ok let's go to the tank.*click the flip the tank*

Flip the tank 72%
Flip the Airplane 28%

Roman:The tank.

Ruby:Oh ok.

Braun:Umm...i be right back guys.*went out the beacon and start flip over the tank then he went back to the dorm*Ok i'm back.

Roman:What did you do?

Braun:I flip the tank.

Dean:Wow damn Braun.

Roman:Ok we done now so see you at the next video bye.

Ruby:Bye everyone.

Yang:And subscribe for our channel like,comment and link down below.

Braun:Or else you gonna get these hands.

Roman stop recording and post it on youtube

Roman:Good job guys.

RADS,RWBY,Braun and Penny to do a SHIELD fist pump

See you at the next episode bye

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