Your a witch

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Baileys PoV
This holiday is terrible, all we have been doing is driving around. With me staying in the car every-time we stopped, excepted when we stopped to eat something. Now we are going to a place called Chicago where, klaus says I'm going see my Autie Rebekah. We are almost there, right know I'm singing along to 'hakuna Matata' from The lion king. My uncle klaus has been entertain by my singing but this Stefan guy looks as though he's in pain. My singing can't be that bad I continued to sing anyway not caring. Half way through the song the radio. "Nooo! Uncle nik!!!" I complained when the song stopped. "Come On now little moon we are going to meet someone." I gasped with delight, at my uncles statement. "Me too?" He chuckled "yes of course you as well." I clapped my hands together excitedly. Klaus and Stefan got out of the care, when my uncle came to help me stefan stood basically as far away as possible not looking at me. "Who are we going to see?" I asked curiously as we made are way towards the building. "An old friend" was all he said which left me still curious than ever. Klaus set me down and Stefan grabbed hold of my hand, he freaks me out. "So a hybrid walk into a bar, says to the bartender....." Klaus was cut of by the lady wiping the counter "stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." She looks towards me and Stefan. "I remember you" she muttered, Stefan held my hand tighter but it didn't hurt. "Yeah, you're Gloria. Shouldn't you be....." I looked up at him confused why he stopped. "Old and dead?" Gloria finishes for him, I was sacred now what was going on. "Now if I die who's gonna this place." She joked, still feeling a little scared I hide behind stefan clinging to his hand. "Who's this little cutie." She cooed looking at me behind Stefan. "Ah yes little bailey." My uncle came and lifted me into his arms. I looked at him still confused. "Gloria is a very power witch." My eyes lit up with excitement. "Your a witch" I gasped she chuckled slightly. "Yes child" thew ah she spoke sounded familiar, my head suddenly hurt really bad. I slumped against my uncles shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked worried. I groaned in pain and discomfort. "My head hurts" I whined weakly, he rubbed my back in attempt to sooth the pain. Continued talking but I didn't listen. My head hurt really bad and her voice sounded so familiar. My head only hurt like this when I saw the girl where I met stefan. "Now would you please mind bailey while I fetch my sister for you." He set my on one of the bar stool, making sure I wouldn't fall off. "And if you could help ease her head ache that would be lovely. "Be a good girl little moon" he kissed the top of my head before leaving with Stefan. "Come now child, let's fix that head ache for you." She gently picked me up from the stool and took me to the back of the bar.

Gloria got rid of my head ache and I was so thankful. "Well look what the wind blew in. Last I heard you hated this place." Gloria called out suddenly, I turned to see a man wearing black with bright blue eyes walking towards us. "Gloria? Damn! If I knew you were gonna age like this, I would have stuck around." He smirked clearing flirting with her. His attention was now on me and his face dropped. "Bailey thank god." I titled my head like a confused puppy. "How do you know my name?" He slowly crouched in front god me. "Bailey it's me Dami." I was even more confused now "I don't......" I trailed of the head ache returning, I clutched my head again. "My head hurts" I complained, rubbing my head. "Come now sweet, why don't you take a little nap." She lifted me from the ground and gentle set me on one of the sofas, covering me with a blanket. I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion flow over me and fell a sleep quickly.

Klaus PoV
After un daggering my sister and showing Stefan a round Chicago, I came back to Gloria's bar to check on bailey. When I walked in I saw Gloria serving drinks. "Where's bailey" I questioned trying to control my temper. "Calm down klaus she's sleeping her head ache kept getting worse." She pointed over to the sofa before walking away. looking over I saw bailey sleeping soundly, I smiled softly. "Last call drinks em up" gloria announced as the one and only Damon Salvatore day next to me. "I see they've opened the door to the riff raff now." He scoffed quietly drinking his bourbon. "Oh honey I've been called worse." He joked, god he's got some nerve. "You don't give up do you" "give me my brother and bailey back..... you'll never have to see me again." He answered swiftly. "Well you see I'm torn. You see, I promised stefan I wouldn't let you die. But how many freebies did I really sign up for? You clearly have a death wish or you wouldn't be here" I explained hoping he'd get the hint. "What can I say I'm a thrill seeker, I also want to Now what you have down to bailey." I smirked glancing over to make sure she was still sleeping. "Oh well I just compelled away all memories of mystic fall." He clenched his fists in anger. I reached over and grabbed him by the throat and lift him off the floor. "Oh dear what was that? I'm a little boozy, so you'll forgive me if I miss the first few times." Uses the little umbrella that came in my drink I stabbed his stomach, causing him to bring in pains "on no that's not it, hmm." I Tried once more missing. Yet again "oh almost" I went to stab him again but he spoke stopping me. "You want a partner in crime forget stefan. I'm much more fun. And let bailey go she needs her family." Having enough of his mind games I flung him backwards breaking a table. I grabbed one of the broken table legs and went to stab him but the stake set on fire. I turned to see Gloria and a Now very awake bailey in her arms. "Really?" I complained. "Not in my bar, take it outside." She demanded holding a shaking bailey tightly. In a flash Damon was gone. "Give her here" I asked gloria She was reluctant, but gave her to be none the less. "Shh little moon your fine now." She clung to my neck as though I would disappear. I gently rocked her until her crying turning into quiet stifles. "Now dry those eyes your going to meet my little sister" and with that we left to find Stefan and my sister.

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