15| I was content

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I was content

I was okay

I was fine with

Living this way


Mornings were bearable 

Even after a nightmare 

I'd get dressed and go greet 

A family that didn't care


Though every time, just for a moment

When I'm sitting at the breakfast table 

My eye would catch dying flowers

In a vase that seemed perfectly stable


There was plenty of water 

And sunlight filtered through 

But the flowers would always die

There was nothing you could do


School was alright enough

I'd go to class and have lunch

I was surrounded by people

Even if they didn't notice me much


Though every time, just for a moment

When I'm sitting at the window in class

My eye would catch a nest of birds

Who all seemed so caged past the glass


There was plenty of places to go

Nothing in their way but air

But the birds would live and die here

Were they too ignorant to even care?


Home was mostly tolerable 

I'd stay in my room all night

I'd live life through the stories I read 

And think things were alright


Though every time, just for a moment

When I'm quietly sitting in bed

My eye would catch a face in the window

That reflection sure looked dead


I was alive and perfectly well

My body was healthy enough

Then why did I always feel like

Breathing was getting tough?


I was content

I was okay

I was fine with

Pretending every day


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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