Chapter Twenty-Four

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Your POV
I wake up soaked in sweat "Hey are you ok?" I look at my supposedly "best friend" who was fanning me with a book "W-what happen?"
"I-I I don't know you were trying to go kill Mason when suddenly you tripped, fell and hit your head on the wall, then boom you were out." Well that explains the excruciating headache "Why was I trying to kill Mason?" She bites her lip and turns her head, a nervous gesture that she tends to do when trying to figure out if she should lie or not, but she didn't need to lie I already new why the memory wasn't 100% clear but I do remember one thing "You slept with my brother." My words came out soft and quiet I wasn't sure if she actually heard me until her eyes went wide "Y/n it wasn't even l-like that I- He-." I put my hand up silently telling her that I didn't want to hear it "Don't bother with an excuse my head hurts way to much for this." She nods her head guilty before heading out my room


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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