Chapter 13 : I Sorryy

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I woke up to banging downstairs. I go downstairs to see what's going on. I find Maverick trying to make pancakes. Keyword trying he's burning them to crisps.

I giggle at his displeased face. He turns around and playfully glares at me. "I was trying to make pancakes for you." He pouts I laughed lightly "That's okay I don't like them that much. " "You wanna go to Annas." He questions. Anna's is a small dinner in town. It they have amazing food. "Yes." I say happily I love Anna's.

I run upstairs to get ready. I put on a black cropped hoodie with riped jeans and some black convers. I put my hair up into a messy bun with a few strands left down.

As I am finishing up my hair Maverick comes into the room and goes into the closet. A couple minutes later he comes out wearing black jeans with a black shirt and a leather jacket. He also has a hold chain around his neck.

I grab my phone and wallet and start walking towards the door. Maverick following behind me. We go into his garage getting into his blue jeep.

The ride to the dinner was quick. Before I knew it we were at the dinner and Maverick was opening the door for me. "Thank you" I said. He just have me a small smile.

We went inside and sat at a booth. "Hi my name is Alexis I will be your waitress today what can I get you to drink." She said winking at maverick.I rolled my eyes. Great so much for a peaceful breakfast.

"Tea" Maverick said "Dr.Pepper"I say "I'll be right back with your drinks." Alexis is very absolutely beautiful with long brown hair and green eyes. She has the perfect figure a very flat stomach a big  but and boobs.

"Your cute when you are jealous." Maverick laughs. "I'm not jealous. " I say "Did you know that your tongue know what something feels like without feeling it." Maverick chuckles "No baby I didnt." " I have to go to school tomorrow. " I frown.

"Here are your drinks," Alexis says. " Thank you, " we reply at the same time. She asks, " what can I getting to eat. " "Waffels," I say. "Me too," Maverick says she quickly down our orders and walks away.

After about five minutes of waiting she brings out our pancakes. We eat in silence. After we finished Alexis brings over the check I go to grab my wallet but it's not there. "Where is my wallet," I panicked. I look up and see Maverick holding my wallet. "Did you really think I was gonna let you pay," he questions. How did I not see him grab it.

"Yeah you drove so I pay," I say " No," he says throwing a twenty and a five in the table. He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the dinner. He holds open the dinner door and opens the car door.

On the way home I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that my life changed so fast. Most of my bruises and cuts are healed. I'm actually happy.

When we got home I went upstairs to watch Netflix. Maverick comes in behind me and sits on the bed. I start looking for the remote I wants find it. Suddenly Maverick stands up and graves my face smashing his lips to mine I immediately kiss him back.

He runs his tounge over my bottom lip asking for entrance I of course accept. He taps my thigh signalling for me to jump and I do. Slowly he lays me down on the bed getting on top of me. Immediately I get flashbacks from when I was raped.

I shove his shoulders back "Get off me," I say panicked. He immediately gets off me. I sit up to the edge of the bed putting my head in my hands crying. "I'm so sorry," I Whisper repeatedly.

Maverick POV
I go over the bed and sit next to Nichols where she is crying. "Can I hold you," I whisper. I don't want to scare her any worse then she already is. She just nods climbing into my lap putting her head in my neck.

After twenty minutes of holding her I realize she feel asleep I stand up holding her gently and putting her in the bed under the covers. I change into some comfortable shorts and lay next to her pulling her to my chest.

I lay there for a good thirty minutes wondering why I moved so quickly knowing what she's been threw. I slowly fall asleep.

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