Chapter Eleven- Rolezal

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"Good fellow- a Walkway if you please." Orlan shouted down to the Harbour master who in turn shouted to a young boy whom after a moment reappeared –walkway in tow.

Orlan fixed it to the side of the boat before turning to both 'Ladies' who had now made their way to the exit.

"Princess" Orlan announced loudly before stepping into a deep bow. "May I escort you?" Offering her his hand.

"You may- Sir Orlan." Princess Iasa raised her hand to meet Orlans and slowly and delicately made her way down the walkway, careful to not miss-step and end up in the water.

"Lady Eboni- May I do the honour of escorting you down the walkway?" Bren turned to her, his eyes gleaming with excitement while a smile tugged at his lips.

"You may- Lord Bren." She rolled her eyes as he took her hand in his and together they made their way down to the Pontoon.

"What a lovely afternoon of sailing don't you agree Lady Eboni- Much more fun than a business visit with my father to God's Land." Iasa announced loudly as the Harbour Master and Dock hands all bowed deeply, recognising who was in their presence.

"Your Majesty, it is an honour." The harbour master rasped, standing from his bow while wiping the nervous sweat that had begun to cling to his brow.

"It is, isn't it?" Iasa smiled at him for the briefest of seconds before turning to Eboni. "Come Lady Eboni, for I am sure the men will require both hands to protect us through the crowds." She held out her hand and together they slowly made their way down the pontoon and onto the dry land of the dock.

Eboni glanced back to the boat to see the men who assisted them staring after them in awe. Catching Bren's eye his mouth turned into a grim line. Iasa would not be pleasant company around other people it seemed.

Both Bren and Orlan had one had on the swords in their belts while their eyes flickered across the faces that had begun to surround them.

"Princess! It's 'un honour to 'av you on mi usband's dock- truly tis" A portly woman shouted out, while doing a running trot over to the stairs they were now walking up.

Iasa completely ignored her and continued to pull Eboni up with her. "If I stop and talk to one, then I must stop to talk to all. We will be out here for hours and that would just be dull." She whispered into Eboni's ear.

At the top of the stairs Eboni stopped- stunned from the sight in front of her. A bustling city of vibrant colours and intricate white buildings as far as the eye could see took her breath away.

People of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities were racing around, the city buzzing and alive.

She could tell who the rich were, with their overdone ribboned hair and brightly mismatched ensemble of clothes but the poor were not the grey and black drab city dwellers she had been expecting. They too wore bright clothes, all be it much more worn. Appearance it seemed, kept the economy of the city going.

While Bren guarded their backs, Orlan made his way in front of them clearing a path for as they weaved their way through the wooden stalls filled with every item Eboni could have dreamed of.

Fabric, Jewellery, statues and carvings, shoes, dresses, veils, books and more. When she tried to slow down to read their titles Iasa pulled her back to their normal pace.

"The markets here have been running since time began. It has tripled in size though over thousands of years. To stop it from growing any bigger my father has put permits on the stalls, so only a few of each type can be erected each season. There would be no point in the market if all of the stalls decided to sell shoes!" Iasa laughed, her eyes twinkling as they passed a jewellery stand.

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