What Comfort Zone Prt 3

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Lachlan's POV

It had been about a week now since I had met Vik at Jasmine's party, and we had been talking fairly regularly in the time. About anything we could but mainly about gaming and what we had in common, Which ended up being more than I originally thought. Between Dota, Minecraft and Fortnite it was rather fun gaming with him. Of course, I didn't include him in any videos, I wanted to but I thought against it. I wasn't sure if he would be ready for something like that yet.

Jay: "How's Vik?"

Lachlan: "He's doing well. He's about to go play some games with some other friends of his so I'm just talking to him in between matches."

Jay: "And you are enjoying yourself while talking to him?"

Lachlan: "Would you like to ask me what you are really wanting to know?"

Jay: "Lachlan you are a lot better in this past week since talking to Vik and we both know it. I'm just happy I get to see you smile for a change. It's so rare that I get to see you happy about something. Even if it is only small and insignificant to someone else. It's clearly something big to you right?"

Lachlan: "Yeah, I guess. I really like talking to him. He seems like fun."

Jay: "Well why don't you invite him over some time?"

That was another thought that had crossed my mind a few times, but I won't lie. I'm terrified of what Jay and Mitch would say if I wanted to bring home someone. A boy no less. I know they love me and wouldn't ever deliberately hurt me but still, It was terrifying to think about.

Jay: "When you do let us know."

Lachlan: "What why?"

Jay: "So you two can be alone. Why else."

I could barely even retort his comment before he had already left my room and headed back downstairs, I know Mum and Dad are down there so maybe he's just trying to escape me right now. I don't know but I don't care. I turned back to see it was rather late and I did know of something coming up in a few days that would leave my parents out of the house for a few days. And Jay and Mitch would leave if I asked them too, especially if I mentioned that I was going to ask Vik to come over. I didn't really know what else I could do. It was still rather early since I met the guy, Maybe I should wait or... I dunno.

Vik: "Hey I was wondering if you maybe wanted to talk more tomorrow? I'm enjoying chatting with you and maybe we can play a game if you have some free time?"

Lachlan: "Uh, Yeah sounds good. I'll let you know if I do get some free time and then we can figure something out from there if you like? Will you be free at anytime tomorrow?"

Vik: "Yeah should be after 5 if that's ok?"

Lachlan: "I'll try and crank one out and I'll message you when I'm done."

2 weeks later

I've been getting along well with Vik now for two weeks. I eventually decided to wait and just get to know him more before I asked if he wanted to hang out. I was extremely nervous to even just be talking to him, Imagine what I'd be like if he came over and was sitting beside me.

Jay: "So your parents will be out for a few hours tomorrow, And your brother is going to go with them specifically so you can invite Vik over for a little bit and play some games."

Lachlan: "Wait what when was this decided?"

Jay: "Last week."

Lachlan: "What do you mean last week?"

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