The Inevitable Couple

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Clash groaned and got to writing. Since his gaining of future sight, he was given the task to write down basic prophecies and future garbage to the seawing and skywing kingdoms
He decided to throw in the sandwing kingdom for the sake of Blaze. Turtle and Quilbi were to his left and right, helping him write the letters.

"Wait, so is there going to be a food shortage or plentiful harvest?" Quilbi asked.

"It's seventeen million futures to sixteen million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety. I Say it's fifty fixty." Clash sighed.

"Okay, so a school of black demon sharks is gonna prowl the southeen island s in seven days?" Turtle said, looking up from the paper.

"Yup, eighty five percent chance they'll eat five seawings and decimate the whale population." Clash said and continued scribbling. He ripped a tiny piece of paper off of his scroll and skribbled on it. He chuckled and handed it to Turtle.

"What is this?" Turtle peered at the note.

"Meet me in this cave after sundown. It's super inportant." Clash whispered. Turtle nodded, determined and went back to writing. Once that was done Turtle got up and walked out into the hall.

Clash laughed sinisterly and galloped down another tunnel.

*with Kinkajou*

Kinkajou was hanging in her hammock, chewing on a mango. She kapt wondering in many things. She wondered how Clash's future thing worked, how Moon was doing, and which color she could change to that Turtle would find the prettiest. Kinkajou heard footsteps and looled in that direction. Clash walled in and went to hand her a small note.

"Meet me at this cave after sundown. It's beyond important." Clash whispered. Kinkajou assumed it was some super important secret mission and nodded, keen on acomplishing whatever mission it was.

Both dragons went along with their daily routine. All the while thunking about the meeting. The day went by. The noon whizzed by. The afternoon simmered away. And the evening melted into darkness. All the other dragons had gone to their rooms. Except for Kinkajou and Quilbi. They unfolded the note that Clash had given them.

Both: Go to the tunnel-

Kinkajou: -to the right'

Turtle: -to the left-

Both: -of the library. Follow it to the room at the end of the tunnel. Once you finish,  entee and have a seat.

They both reached the room. Not knowing it had a left and right entrance. They entered at the same time. They saw the two chairs and the large table with a big chair behind it. The center chair was turned away. They also looked to thier side and made weird eye contact. Kinkajou panicked and shiftred between pink and blue flashes.

"What're you doing here?" Kinkajou whispered.

"What're YOU doing here?" Turtle responded.

The middle chair spun around to reveal Clash sitting in it. "You're both doing what I told you to do. Have a seat." Clash said. The two nodded and went to sit down. Clash leaned forward and began to speak. "So, I brought you two here today to-"

Kinkajou: Defeat evil?

Turtle: Prevent catastrophe?

"-Talk about your relationship." Clash finished.

Both: ...What?

"Yes, I feel that you two should talk to eatchother about your relationship. I think it would be best for you two to find out how you two think about eatchother, to help bring you two together or at least provide closure." Clash explained.

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