18 ~ Sleeves

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~ 18 ~

~ 18 ~

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I realised I never cast Kyr! So, here is our beautiful Asgardian brunette, portrayed by the equally gorgeous Clara Rugaard.

When I opened my eyes, I expected Heimdall to help me from the ground and smile at me. But I simply saw his sword stuck inside what I assumed opened the portal, without the calming man to welcome me to Asgard.

I didn't call or search for him, but instead started the walk to the castle. If he wasn't there, something was very wrong. Even though I was sad that he took me away from Emily and my new friends, I knew he had transported me here for a good reason. What that reason was, though, was yet for me to find out.

I wore no shoes, so after barely five minutes my feet already got sore and cold. My hair was frizzy, dried by the freezing air around me, and I ignored Em's earlier advice and pulled the sleeves of my blouse down to hide my skin from the wind. Even though the sun was up (or whatever source of light this realm had), the temperature was incredibly low.

I glanced below me. Yeah, I did not want to lose my balance here. Taking a cautious step to the middle of the bridge, I let my nails scratch the skin on my other hand until it turned red.

Then, footsteps sounded. No, hooves.

I looked up to see a black horse make its way across the bridge, carrying a gorgeous young woman with the same raven coloured hair. Lady Sif.

I kept myself from waving at her, but fastened my pace to reach her. I wanted to get off this bridge as quickly as I could.

The warrior sounded genuinely surprised and halted the animal next to me.

"Heimdall called me here."

She frowned, worry etching in her features.
"But Heimdall has been removed from his position."

We gazed at each other for another second before we wordlessly agreed; something was wrong. She held out her hand for me to grab, and pulled me onto her horse before taking off.

I held her shoulders tightly, reminded of when I had left Asgard. I stayed here for a week, but missed two months of my life on Earth. This time, I spent two months at home while for Lady Sif barely a week passed since she last saw me.
How much time had I missed already? I was here for less than thirty minutes, which could be hours in New York. How long would I stay in Asgard this time? How many days of my own life would be taken from me now?

When we arrived and Lady Sif handed her horse to someone at the stables, the sky had turned dark. My first thought was to search for Heimdall, Thor or even Loki, needing to know why I was here—and wether the last two had returned safely from their mission with Jane.

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